Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You’ve had some well-meaning but ultimately not quite accurate answers in this thread so just to clarify:

    You can follow, post to and interact with Lemmy communities from Mastodon, because they’re treated the same way as a “group” on Mastodon in general.

    You can NOT follow and interact with Mastodon users from Lemmy, because Mastodon accounts are individual “users” and Lemmy doesn’t have the concept of following and interacting with users, only with communities. If Lemmy ever does add a feature to let us follow other users, then in theory following Mastodon users will also become possible.

  • I’ve done all kinds of random jobs but like to tell anyone who will listen that my time as a cleaner was possibly the best of them all.

    I worked in a building that was entirely dedicated to operating and adminning a traffic tunnel, so there were normal office rooms but also cool control rooms full of flashing lights and interesting displays and friendly people who were only too happy to infodump about it all.

    The top floor was entirely given over to a conference room featuring a massive scale model of our tunnel but also the surrounding road system, complete with tiny toy cars. That room also had a hot drinks machine that was entirely free to employees so most of my breaks were spent up there with a book drinking hot chocolate.

    Yeah, cleaning toilets and buffing floors is not exactly going to keep your mind occupied, but that just means it’s free to wander to more interesting places. No stress, nothing to take home at the end of the day.

    If you can get by on the generally lower pay and get to clean somewhere interesting there are a lot of unexpected perks, tbh.

  • Member of my extended family had it. His mother, immediately after he was born, was advised to go for whatever the legal process is for abandoning a child to care instead. She did not take this option, and the doctors told her she was making a big mistake. That would’ve been in the early 60s.

    He only lived into his forties but he was a wonderful person, creative and warm and loving, with pretty much his only failure being an overwhelming obsession with the music of Robbie Williams. Came to live with us after his mam was gone and essentially became my big brother.

    At his funeral, people literally lined the streets all along the route because there were way too many to fit into the actual venue.

    This story doesn’t have much to do with anything but I just like remembering him, so there you go.