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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • OP asked for FOSS, and if this keyboard had met OPs other criteria, it would have failed the FOSS check (it’s a source-available license). It’s also a roll-your-own license and a very very short one at that. It’s missing a lot of key protections for both the company and the consumer.

    I’m pretty steadfast on using GPL software wherever i can, especially for something as mission-critical as a keyboard. Non-gpl projects have a tendency to get bought up and relicensed or corrupted in some other way over time (sometimes a very long time, but time nevertheless). I’ll make exceptions for things that are less critical, like games, but core system must be GPL or offer equivalent protections for the end user.

    Source-available is still good for auditability though, making it more secure in the short-term.

  • I keep hoping that mobile linux will get better and pinephone will start popping off but the software experience so far has been absolutely miserable and progress has been incredibly slow on gnome and kde mobile experiences, modem drivers (missed calls and sms), and so on.

    There is progress, so it’ll get there eventually but how long that is is hard to say.

    And i know it requires volunteers in their free time. I’d like to contribute to the code but i’m far too inexperienced to do so and im too broke to fund anything. They expect far more detail in bug reports than im able to provide, so its all a wash.