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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2020


  • Dude, yes, they’re run by one person because it’s a hobby. This is like saying 99.9% of stories don’t get published because there was no profit motive. There usually isn’t when it starts, just a drive to create or fill a perceived void, or even just practice. I write damn near every day with zero profit motive.

    Linux wasn’t started with a profit motive. None of the open source BSDs were either. As far as I can tell, they’re still not particularly profit motivated. Neither are a lot of other open source projects that have lasted ages. Where’s the profit motive behind Bash? It’s been around for 34 years.

    An inability to pay bills can stop a person from working on a project, but at the end of the day it’s usually not profit that keeps an open source project alive. It’s popularity and passion.

  • Imma get downvoted for this, but for some reason I care even less than I did on Reddit, which I didn’t think was possible…

    Anyway, do you honestly think that if piracy actually caused significant profit loss it would affect the billionaires or anyone else in the “investor class”?

    Of course not. They’re going to use the ahem “loss” to justify lower wages.

    I’m not saying don’t pirate. I’m just saying you don’t get to pretend like you’re just hurting the class that gets to decide where the loss gets shunted. That’s a wildly naïve view of how the world works. You can’t fuck over the billionaires that way. They have too much power to let you.

  • Oh, I’m not blaming Germany. Far from it. They didn’t invent fascism. And I’m well aware of Germany’s leftist leanings, their current track record concerning immigrants, and their position as a current moral world leader.

    And I am concerned about China and fascists running for office in Canada… but I’m a bit preoccupied by the fascism here in the States right now. Well, the white nationalist shit, too. Also the rise of right-wing terrorism that our press refuses to call terrorism because it’s being committed by white people I guess?

    I don’t think we’re all that far apart, worldview wise. I’m just maybe a bit more sensitive to all this shit because we elected The Orange Menace.

    Also, because we don’t have Tim Horton’s.

  • Dude, based on that Article, Germans had the same reaction I did. The difference is that I don’t care as much, because my own country is slowly descending into fascism, while you guys (I’m assuming you’re German) seem to have a lock on it.

    I don’t have to be afraid of Germany because (almost) everyone there was horrified and reacted with disgust. Your representatives and political thinkers seem to think that this guy is an asshole, and because of German history, Germany has a responsibility to stand up and say “Fuck You” to guys like this, especially when they’re German.

    I don’t have to worry about Germany because Germany hasn’t forgotten what happens when fascism infects a country. My country, on the other hand, has apparently forgotten, and the whole fucking world should be terrified.

    It can never happen here is the attitude that lets it happen. That applies whether it’s happened before or not. I know Germany is very different from what is was in the 1930s. I fucking lived there in the 90s. I’m not worried about Germany. It’s still a bad look.