If I own a community that’s related to a piece of software, service, or other community and someone who actually contributes to that wants it, message me and it’s yours. I stake no claim in communities, I simply want to see them exist and thrive.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • i have a layman’s understanding of AT Proto, but it seems to compartmentalize between different parts of the service. Front ends, databases, and backends can be hosted separately and amalgamate into one, in the abstract.

    Practically, however, AT Proto allows account portability, wherein users can swap what instance they use as a frontend on a whim, even if their home instance is down. Usernames are domains instance of username@domain, that are verified by the DNS. But AT Proto seems a lot less flexible than ActivityPub. We’ll have to see when federation is live, but I’m not sure it really suits anything beyond (micro)blogging.

  • By the UN definition, Hamas is a genocidal organisation

    The UN does not define “genocidal organisation”, but instead defines genocide. Does an organization who intends to commit genocide meet the definition of a genocidal organization, or would it be an organization who has both the will and the means to, or would it be an organization who is committing genocide? That’s not defined by the UN and the nuance of that is very important to the claim.

    Its founding charter, published in 1988, explicitly commits it to obliterating Israel. Article 7 states that “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them”. Article 13 rejects any compromise, or peace, until Israel is destroyed.

    Here’s the charter. In the preamble it states “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”. The particular translation I’m using of this document has it written as “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees.” I don’t speak arabic and as such cannot comment if perhaps it’s simply that the term they use for “fight” is also one that explicitly means to kill as well, or what, but the second part does make clear that the intent is to eventually oppress the Jewish people and send them into hiding.

    I’d recommend reading through the entire document if you have time.

  • There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians

    This particular line I keep seeing parroted. Yes, Hamas has said they wish to eradicate an ethnic group. Yes, that is egregious. No, that does not mean their rebellion against the occupying, more powerful force, is a genocide.

    Beyond that, Israel has said “we are fighting against animals”, painting Palestinians as inhuman to legitimize their warcrimes. While one may argue that they were just talking about Hamas, it’s obvious that Hamas is composed of Palestinians, and while not elected by the Palestinians of today, represent them.

    But to my initial point, the occupying force, physically erasing a people and systemically erasing their culture and ability to congregate and form community is genocide. Regardless of Hamas. They have the means, and they are enacting that means.

  • I don’t understand why so many folks aren’t worried about another superpower replacing the US’s slowly waning stranglehold

    Can’t speak for others, but personally I simply find them both worrying. The Chinese and US states are both foreign powers that wish to track everything I do and use it to control me in the future.

    Look at all the fucked up shit the US has done around the world, and that’s with a quasi-democratic government that at least has a modicum of domestic and international accountability

    Which US-led, US-backed agencies are you referring to as delivering accountability for the US? The ones they have veto power in too?

    Not trying to “both are equally bad”. China’s output of political violence is ostensibly worse, but you seem to be dismissing the legitimate concern that the source for this is the US regime, whose political interest is for us to point fingers at China as they continue working behind our backs.

    We know to be cautious of China, yet any time someone brings up “we should be cautious of the US too”, the response is “China’s worse”, deflecting from the real threat that the US presents globally.

    Preferably, I’d like to see all these superpowers overthrown, the states broken up, and a union a la the EU to form with more global pursuits, or the EU itself to expand beyond European borders, while continuing to be genuinely voluntary while also being both politically and economically beneficial for all member-states.

  • Determinism is actually a really silly argument to make for anything. Determinism doesn’t posit that people don’t make choices, but simply that the choices made are determinable, even if they in every way resemble “free choice”. We are a part of the variables that determinism says contributes to these choices, but your solution is we sit with a sock in our mouth because it’s so very mean to tell Elon he’s a cunt “because he has no choice”. You’re, put plainly, a fool, if you believe for a second that predetermined choices make someone any less of an asshole. Elon Musk is a harmful, narcissistic asshole is no different than “the total result of Elon Musk’s predetermined decisions are to behave as a narcissitic asshole.”

    Yes, under determinism, he has no choice in the matter, just as a gun used to kill someone has no choice in being a killing machine, or a pencil in a 4th grade classroom has no choice in being a penis drawer.

    Deterministic sophistry being used to soften, excuse, or in any way lessen the value of peoples’ individual actions is mere sophistry, and completely misses the point of the philosophical theory.

  • I don’t agree with punitive “justice”. It’s ineffective, bad, and wrong.

    But I do agree that, while rehabilitative justice takes place, we must protect society from those who are doing harm to others.

    The adult approach is to think about an effective way to prevent him from doing more damage while not giving the wrong signals to the rest of society.

    Your “adult approach” allows him to continue to freely do harm to people, and in no way addresses it nor the harm those who think he’s acceptable perpetuate.

    He has a tail of followers so care needs to be taken that he doesn’t become a martyr for them.

    This is another excuse to do nothing.