When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @quinacridone@mander.xyz

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022

  • I don’t normally comment on news posts, but in this instance, FUCK CANCER

    Fuck cancer for stealing my brother from me, and for taking half my bf’s lung

    I seriously hopes this works for everyone out there living with this disease, and for their families, friends, the people who love them…

    …and also for everyone who has died too soon and missed their chance for survival. Their donation of tissue samples and furthering the cancer research that ultimately wouldn’t help them, but will help the poor bastards that are diagnosed today and in the future…It is bitter sweet

    Fuck cancer

  • I’ve seen lots of contemporary dance performances which have blown me away, one was called ‘The Silk Road’ and showed how dance, as well as material goods was passed on via the silk road.

    It had traditional Indian dance and Spanish dance (the one where the men do the foot stomping, I’ve not been up for long and my brain is still in sleep mode). It was amazing. The dancing was beautiful and demonstrated how culture and ideas are transmitted, in this instance- the similarities of dance movements

    Also saw a free performance of some students of Chethams School of Music (Manchester) perform the harp. I think there was 4, maybe 5 female students, and it was beautiful. I’ve never heard the harp performed just on its own and they used percussive rhythms made by drumming and tapping the instrument…

    I have the flyers from both above performances, so I’ll edit my comment later on after I’ve found them

    Also adding Estas Tonne…my boyfriend is a big fan and we traveled down to London for a week which included one of his gigs…it was held in a church and was just him and his guitars (and 2 incense sticks)

  • I find that I’m both drawn the the building as well as the exhibits when I’m there, all the pillars are trees with texture and foliage (and monkeys too), the large room with the minerals has sea creatures carved onto the stonework. The carved wood, the floor even the outside with the metal drain pipes and tiled roof…it’s a Temple to Nature, really beautiful place!

  • I met my bf before I even suspected (and eventually diagnosed) as autistic. Now, he is likely to also be on the spectrum and a third party who has some expertise in this also agrees. I was attracted to him because he’s kind and gentle and patient (also physically attractive too) and didn’t fit into a ‘bloke’ stereotype (he’s very emotional and not afraid to show this)

    I was attracted to him because he was happy being himself.

    I think i have an autistic radar where I’ll make friendships with other neurodiverse people, because I feel more comfortable with ‘my people’

    Now personality and spectrum wise we are dissimilar, I’m more logical and spock-like and crap at communicating (I’d probably be happy being semi verbal for the rest of my life), he’s all emotional, and talks and can handle people better.

    Sensory wise I don’t like hugs, noises, the sun, fairground rides, I love perfumes and smells…he loves hugs, hates smells, loves sitting out in the sun really loves fairground rides…you get the idea

    Our autism presents very differently and I struggle dealing with him at times and he does with me…I didn’t consciously think I want to have an autistic partner in life, we clash often, but we also come together and can stragegise our way through difficult people and situations using both our strengths

    He pushes me (not in a bad way) to step outside my comfort zone so I do get to experience more things in life, and I do enjoy the fact that he can be very silly, and do odd things that make me laugh

    I don’t think any relationship is easy, and a double autistic or NT/autistic and NT/NT relationships all have their unique issues and difficulties. I just think that having someone who loves and cares for you, not matter how stressed/meltdowned/shutdowned you are, and is patient enough not to be angry or demanding, or controlling, and just cares for you despite your own weird brain acting the way it does…

    Apologies for any word salad, and a wordy comment 😀

  • I like to fold paper receipts into pointy ends and use them to poke, stroke and generally pick at my fingers (usually my index), the good thing is that I can do it discretely in my pocket or under a table etc.

    Foot tapping/bouncing too, and I also like to stroke my hair to remove dead strands and twirl the ends. Recently I’ve started to enjoy making a popping sound with my lips, but mainly when I’m alone as it’s audible

    I also have resurrected my childhood/teenage/early 20’s blanket that I like to smell (I don’t know if that’s a stim exactly, but I enjoy sniffing it, and it feels comforting when I do this)

  • Pixar proudly presents…

    ‘The Thing’

    A Film by John Carpenter

    Prompt- ‘john carpenters ‘the thing’ film. set in the antarctic, an image from the film has its hero Kurt russell holding a flame thrower and a gun, standing in an action man, heroic pose while facing down the films monsters. the monsters are strangely cute pixar style cartoon creatures and include a human head with spider legs, a towering venus fly trap plant monster which also has dog heads, as well as other strange and horrifying creatures. image is photo realistic and panoramic’

    edit, forgot to mention- made in Bing

    Bonus other versions

  • Here are mine…

    Aloof: 5.67

    Pragmatic Language: 4.25

    Rigid: 5.17


    The ‘aloof’ description cracks me up- there’s a photo of me possibly 5 or 6 years of age with me looking ‘aloof’ (my mothers description). I look so not interested and ‘over it’…I’d actually post it here for a laugh, but I’d rather remain anonymous


    Oh I forget, I’m a woman and I slip under the radar 🤣

    edit ‘years of age’