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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Perfect is the enemy of good. Trust me, I am very irritated by the complete lack of giving a fuck shown by billionaires and large companies.

    But I also know that when it comes down to it the only thing they actually care about is money. And I am one of the people that provides them with that money by choosing to buy their products. Sure, it will take a significant amount of us to make a noticable impact but vegan alternatives have been becoming much more popular and prevalent because there is increasing demand. It’s happening. The dairy industry obviously feels threatened with their stupid wood milk campaign and desperate attempts to ban anyone else from using the word milk.

    That is something I actually have control over. I can vote accordingly to try to stop rich assholes from destroying the earth, but I don’t control it alone. At least when the earth dies I can say I tried.

  • To be honest, it looks like their attempt at monetizing the API wasn’t even turned on yet. They just blocked certain API keys from being able to use oauth. Which is what broke RedReader despite it supposed to be spared for blind people.

    All third party apps are still working, you just can’t log in. Apps who decided to charge a monthly fee still have no pricing from reddit and are still operating for free until reddit figures out wtf they are doing, or at least that’s what I’ve gathered based on the announcements from those apps.

    NSFW content was supposed to be removed from the API yesterday but still nothing 🤷‍♀️

  • I’m autistic. You’re describing overstimulation. She is only 8, and it will take time for her to understand what is overstimulating and how to appropriately deal with it. When I am in an overstimulating situation I take breaks, for example taking a walk away from a party.

    The thing about being overstimulated is it’s not something where you just take deep breaths and calm down and feel better magically. You need to be removed from what’s overstimulating you. Imagine being in a room of people who are all screaming at you and you are being pushed to continue to function despite that. That’s what being overstimulated is like.

    Another important thing to keep in mind is not to push her to act neurotypical. When I’m around a lot of people I reach a point where I “shut down”. I am still actively listening but I am quiet and over talking. Make sure you and other family members are not pushing her to be talkative if she wants to be quiet. And assist her being able to take breaks or allow her to acknowledge she is overstimulated and remove herself from the situation. A huge problem, that I have experienced myself and seen other families do with autistic kids, is force them to act “normal” in overstimulating situations. That’s a great way to lead to a meltdown. If her siblings are neurotypical they might be doing this because they don’t understand.

    Sometimes though things are out of your control or it sneaks up on you and you NEED to meltdown to feel better. She needs to figure out a way she can do that without taking it out on someone. Go to her room and cry, run around outside, yell outside, something. All of this is up to her to decide and figure out since it varies per person, but you can help her by reminding her she needs to redirect her meltdown and giving her the space to do so.

    And just FYI, it’s not high functioning or low functioning anymore. Autism is now described by the level of support someone needs, because someone can appear “high functioning” in certain scenarios but need a lot of support in other ways.

  • As someone who has ingested a lot of weed, strong disagree. I don’t know how anyone who has experienced being high can say they are not impaired. That’s a mind blowing statement to me.

    I definitely wouldn’t say it impairs you in the same way being drunk does, but I also wouldn’t say driving high is the same as driving sober. And if you are driving high you really need to cut that shit out. All it takes is one time where your reaction time is slightly decreased and it could be catastrophic.