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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • The shows antagonists were a wealthy business man turned politician who wielded the corrupt police force to feed his own power and oppress the common folk. And while his nickname was Boss Hogg, the villain’s canon name was Jefferson Davis Hogg. Pretty literally calling the cops confederate pigs.

    Definitely a lot of problematic elements to the show, but there’s some good there too. And I’m sure it influenced a ton of car action sequences for decades.

  • paultimate14@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    22 days ago

    A few years ago my friend’s father passed away. My friend’s mother continued to live in the house for another year or so. She never worked and had to eventually sell the house and downsize.

    My friend had referred to her mother as a hoarder before. I’ve seen the reality TV shows about hoarders. But you don’t really understand just how bad the problem is until you spend several days helping your friend clean out their childhood home for sale, filling up several dumpster bags worth of… Stuff. Apparently the mother has always had some mental health problems and a shopping addiction, but spending over a year alone in that house drove her off the deep end.

    We could have opened an entire new Harbor Freight store. There were clothes in sizes I didn’t know existed. My wife casually found a pistol just shoved in a random box. It was madness.

  • The whole world uses both for various things. Even the countries that “officially” use metric. Specific global industries still use imperial. Canadian and British people are perhaps the most famous for combining the two, but most of Europe also mixes things in here and there.

    And of course the whole conversation is Euro-centric and ignores the historical use of traditional measurement systems in Africa and Asia, but somehow that never gets brought up.

  • You think most adults were 100lbs heavier than me at 18?

    No. I never said that. I have no idea why you think I did?. According to Guinness, the heaviest baby ever birthed was 22lbs in 1879 (and only lived a few hours). I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you were born weighing less than that, and spent a considerable portion of your early years weighing less than most adults.

    I think you’re construing this into specifically abusive and destructive people. Those do exist, but my comment was referring to a broader scope. Anger can be a valid emotion, and there are healthy and unhealthy ways of handling it.

    Ultimately, my point is that the original comment I replied to was ridiculous.

  • I straight up don’t believe that you were never in a room with an angry adult as a child. Personally I was never sexually or physically abused, but I know plenty of people who have been. A lot of strides have been made over the last several decades to improve parenting, but no one can be perfect for 18 years. Plus you add in teachers, coaches, or other community leaders that might be trusted with children.

    The most important part of my comment was just pointing out the absurdity of the comment I was replying to. I could also point out the extent of hyperbole they used- the average American adult male is ~30 lbs heavier than the average American adult female, per the CDC. Or… Well, I could dive deeper into it but ultimately this whole conversation is based in bigotry and isn’t worth looking at much more closely than that.

  • And the question was designed to create this divide

    It’s literally just a classic page from the bigot’s playbook, but since it’s being used against cishet men for some reason that makes it okay?

    If JK Rowling said she would rather go to a bathroom with a bear than a trans woman I think we would all rightfully call that hate speech.

    If a white supremecist said this about black people it would be dismissed as racist nonsense. I’ve seen a lot of defenders saying that this is somehow different because violence by cishet men against women is real. How many years have racists loved to use the good ol’ “did you know x% of crimes are committed by x% of the population” tactic for?

    And I see the “not all men” getting tossed around. How is that any different from saying “I know not all Muslims are terrorists. The good ones know we aren’t talking about them”? Change the conversation from cis men to anything else and it gets called out as hate speech. It does nothing to help solve any issues or lead to a better society.

  • I’m not a copyright expert either, but I would think it goes one of two ways.

    One is that the original rights holder of the IP could sue these binders for profiting off of it.

    The other is that they can’t because the work is sufficiently transformative, in which case it would fall to he fanfic writer. From there, it probably depends on how they released their work. Some websites might claim ownership of anything published there as part of their ToS. Some authors might explicitly release their works under more open licenses to encourage community involvement. If it was just posted somewhere without addressing these questions (which I would guess is pretty common)… Sounds like a mess for the courts to sort out.

  • paultimate14@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIs it just me?
    7 months ago

    I’m 100% neurotypical and and find that pretty much every community is just a bunch of relatable memes. ADHD, Autism, Bi-polar disorder, depression, etc.

    Same thing with all the various sexual identities. I’ll call out bisexual people because I think most of them will admit it: they’ll take literally any behavior and appropriate it as a key element of bi culture. Lemon bars? Bi. Bad sitting posture? Bi. Cuffed jeans? Bi. Finger guns? You’re not a goofy sitcom character, you’re bi! Appropriating any innocuous behavior as part of your sexual identity’s culture? Bi!

    I’ve got no problem with it. Anything for more good memes.