• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldEvery day.
    16 days ago

    What’s the alternatives? Depression & Suicide? Rise up in revolution out of general malaise? Or just post memes and hope something happens to change the status quo? Covid showed us that another world was at least possible, but it also brought on a lot of the ridiculous greed we’re seeing now too.

  • The rabbit holes was big for me. I think it started changing after Google Reader and other aggregators came along, but before then you’d go from one site, which would link to another, then to another site, until after an hour you’d gone across a dozen or more different sites and you were on a completely different topic than what you started.

    It still can happen in the current web, but it all feels alot less connected now, every website is like an island almost, no external Links and completely separated from any other sites. Before, finding new sites and content from a site’s ‘Links’ page was a big thing, I feel like that’s how I found alot of stuff. You would just bounce from one site to the next, read what they had, check the Links, see something else, bounce to that and repeat.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldAre We in an AI Bubble?
    29 days ago

    It’s cool guys, I asked ChatGPT and it said:

    The term “AI bubble” suggests a speculative frenzy similar to previous bubbles in tech. While there’s certainly a lot of excitement and investment in AI, it’s unlikely to cause an economic crash on its own. However, if promises aren’t met and investments don’t yield expected returns, there could be adjustments in the market. AI’s impact is profound, but its realization takes time and nuanced understanding.

    So we just might see an “adjustment”, no way this is a bubble.

  • Also, Gamer’s block. You want to play. You finally have the time to play. You have a pile of games that you’ve been wanting to get through, but you just can’t devote the time to it. It’s like a form of procrastination, except instead of procrastinating about chores/responsibilities, you’re procrastinating about your free time. In a way, some books/games kind of become a new “responsibility”, in that once you start them, you may feel obligated to continue. So then it becomes one more thing you “have” to do.

    All first world problems, maybe not as high-stakes as Kanye’s problems, but problems nonetheless.

  • It seems like such a weird thing to marry up with internet searching. This method where the algorithms can & will “hallucinate” and just make shit up vs finding very specific information that a person is searching for. Why ever trust these LLMs with facts? These things should’ve only ever been marketed for creative writing and art, not shit like writing legal briefs and school papers and such.