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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • This post kind of ignores basics of grammar instruction that we’ve known for centuries. Some people try to teach grammar from a prescriptive fashion. They tell us what the rules are, they have us memorize them, and then we can speak perfectly.

    The problem is, that’s not how language works in reality. Even if you had a perfect language to begin with, something with no exceptions of any kind, after 20 years people would have added their own changes. So then the original instruction that you gave, that wouldn’t prepare future language learners for reality.

    This is why we have to teach grammar and spelling descriptively. We’re talking about what actually happens in the world when people actually speak and write in English. Of course it’s nice to point out common customs and conventions, but we don’t get to ignore all of the irregular things just because they’re irritating to memorize.

    And this is true for all languages that are used by even a medium-sized population over time. You cannot avoid it, you’ll find it in every language, sorry.

  • Do you know if it was productive and informative for them?

    For example, I left a job several years ago, and not long before I left, I met with the boss and explained some of the massive issues facing my department. He sounded interested, but of course he never did anything about those problems, and my former co-workers have told me that the situation is worse than it was before. In my observation, and that of my friends, this is what happens most of the time. After all, if they didn’t listen to you before, and especially if they didn’t ask you before, then why would we expect them to care what you say now?

  • Oh this is getting interesting. Now you’re telling me there’s some massive Iranian propaganda machine that’s getting all around the globe, and somehow it’s magically stronger than the U.S. propaganda machine. If that’s true, can we just fire all of the top brass in the Pentagon because they’re basically incompetent?

    If what you’re saying is accurate, but seems like people ought to lose their jobs.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    In reality, it’s not attacking half the human species. It’s actually attacking people who perpetrate SA, and other people who cheerlead for them. One problem is that many men react just the way you reacted. Instead of saying “let’s solve this problem”, you say “quit being so divisive”. Unfortunately, those are your values.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    The problem with your logic is it creates a situation where society at large will never talk about this important topic and think about ways to reduce the scope and impact of it.

    The sad reality is that men are largely responsible for SA, and saying this is always going to make some men uncomfortable. They’re always going to react to negatively, and people are always going to post what you posted.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    And good for them. It’s an important topic. If you’ve already had your fill of it, you know what to do. But many people here are seeing it for the first time, and many other people are commenting for the first time.

    The underlying issues so important that I hope we’re still talking about it next week and next month and next year.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    I disagree. Clearly the meme is highly effective. It brought a topic that ought to be in the light back into the light. Considering the frequency of SA, this should be something that people are considering how to handle on a regular basis, but that’s not what you see if you watch the news, listen to the city council, or talk with the school board.

    Your opening paragraph sounds similar to the expression “All lives matter.” It didn’t sound like you wrote that ironically.

    And the final paragraph is classic heckler’s veto. Two sides disagree, and rather than talk about the serious issue, you make a comment about how people should all try to get along better by speaking in less aggressive terms. But the underlying problem is not about aggressive speech. It’s about aggressive action. So maybe we can focus on that.