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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Thank you. Why am I doing it: I re-discovered Blender a couple of months ago and followed the famous Donut-Tutorial. After that I made some minor things, then I modelled and animated my Laptop, and now I’m challenging myself with a bigger project with more complex shapes. And boredom.

    I’m working in the Architecturial field, so I know how to work in 3D in general. In architecture, however, I need to consider all kinds of measurements correctly - that is someting I dont’t need to do in Blender for an extent. I just enjoy the build.

    I tried Blender before (I think it was Version 2.x) but in the end it didn’t work out for me. Meanwhile the software got better.

    Back when I still studied (couple of years ago) I did some renderings using Cinema 4D, since we had it on some universities computers. But I didn’t model anything in C4D. I had a CAD Software, which wasn’t that capable of 3D back then, but one could draw precicely. For the 3D stuff I used Sketchup. I could interchange the files (mostly dxf files) between the programs. For renderings I imported a 3DS-file into C4D and put textures on it. Our software at work is capeable of creating rendered images.

    My goal is to import the car model into our architecture software at work and sneak it into a rendering.

  • I’m currently modelling my car using Blender. The screenshots show the progress of approximately 2 weeks (entire weekends and a few hours after coming home from work). Some parts are created rather fast, and some parts take hours to get the shape correctly. Worst part in that matter ist the front bumper with its fog light. It took almost the whole weekend. The hood was made within an hour, since it has a simpler shape, compared to others.

    For reference I use photos, where I do the details by eye measure. To get the general shape I traced the views (front, back, side, above) from drawings of the cars manual using Affinity Designer beforehand. This alone took me over one week, beause I only could do it after work.

  • The car as a device to transport one from A to B has been developed to completion. Any car is capable of fulfilling that task. The next stange of developement is that the comfort features in cars are being replaced with a universal control unit: a touchscreen (-computer).

    All physical buttons (air condition, radio, etc.) are being phased out and are accessible over the central touchscreen, hidden in menus. This way it is easier to get customers into subscribed services (e.g. for the ability to lock your car remotely or to use the heated seat feature you have to subsribe to this particular service in order to use it).

    Also, when features are controlled over a software interface like those touchscreens instead of physical buttons, it it easier to give access to users - or restrict them from it:

    IIRC at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Tesla remotely enabled their cars by allowing free supercharging as a helpful measure to help people to escape from Ukraine. Pretty nice of Tesla, isn’t it? Well yes, in this particular case, but this kind of remote software interference from the manufactor can also work in the other direction. They can easily restrict the functionality of your car. Functions your car still would have if they weren’t controlled remotely.

    Cars become a Software-As-A-Service product.

    Edit: spelling

  • Someone in the Fediverse (I don’t know where and who) posted that you have to add the following filters into U-Block Origin. When done you shouldn’t see any anti-adblock-warnings :


    I might add that I haven’t experienced any anti-adblock-warnings yet, but I added these filters in advance. I might be worth a shot!

  • When I was a student I had almost everything pirated, because of the lack of money and unreasonable pricing. Back then it was easy because in most cases I knew someone who knew someone who already had pirated the program.

    Meanwhile I switched for alternatives (for instance I used to have Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, now I have purchased Affinity Photo and Designer) as the trend leads into the direction of subscribed software (software-as-a-service). I prefer software to be installed locally and not dependent of a stable internet connection. Also, I have no problem with paying for proprietary software, given it is priced reasonably.