• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Having a disorder isn’t offensive at all, you seeing it that way is your own problem, it’s a word, we use words to describe things, if something deviates from the norm then it’s a disorder, no one chooses to have a disorder and having a disorder doesn’t make you any less of a human. You are getting hung up on a word and you personally don’t like the word is all this is.

    You saying this place smacks of brigading is also funny, once again just because other people don’t automatically agree with you doesn’t mean there is something going on… it could just mean people disagree with you. Not like the actual instance matters but I’m from the same one as you…

    You disagree with me, I don’t think you are “brigading” or trolling I just think you have a different opinion

  • Just got around to replying and I’ll use this as my reply to you and Cryo…

    If an individual person (not a group of people in case that’s not obvious enough) makes statements like all the black people I know are criminals, all the Jewish people I’ve ever met only care about money, every woman I’ve ever dealt with is emotional, boomer doctors aren’t dead yet and haven’t learned anything since the 1970s

    Then yes in general I kinda think that tells me all I need to know about that person, they are using blanket statements about groups of people which is pretty idiotic, they later said they were being hyperbolic, okay fine still a dumb statement however

  • Except every single person on this planet feels differently than others do we aren’t a mass lump of sameness, being different doesn’t automatically mean you aren’t normal or have a condition, which is the entire purpose of adding labels to things especially in relation to needing it for any type of medical care or assistance of some kind.

    If you personally don’t require a diagnosis or label then good for you, you don’t want or need the label of autistic so you don’t need a diagnosis so you are arguing for what exactly? The ability to self diagnose yourself with a label you don’t even want?

    I re-read the replies I made and anyone else that replied and I don’t see anyone being not nice, people can disagree with your opinions that doesn’t make them unkind, if you get upset that others disagree with your viewpoint don’t worry about it just move on with your day

    Me disagreeing with you didn’t deny you your own self experience, just like you disagreeing with me didn’t deny me anything either

  • I had to look up sealioning since I had no idea what it meant, no I’m not, and since you decided to frame your question that way maybe you just need a thicker skin, you engaged me in the convo, not everyone is going to automatically agree with you in life

    So you personally had a bad run in and you did believe in them but no longer do… okay I guess you are right then may as well invalidate the entire profession cuz schmorpel got bad service… that is some flat earth type reasoning

  • Reading the guardian article I was like meh… some stuff is good and anything is better than nothing but then I read the actual DMA

    “Fines: of up to 10% of the company’s total worldwide annual turnover, or up to 20% in the event of repeated infringements

    Periodic penalty payments: of up to 5% of the average daily turnover

    Remedies: In case of systematic infringements of the DMA obligations by gatekeepers, additional remedies may be imposed on the gatekeepers after a market investigation. Such remedies will need to be proportionate to the offence committed. If necessary and as a last resort option, non-financial remedies can be imposed. These can include behavioural and structural remedies, e.g. the divestiture of (parts of) a business.”

    Fuck ya break up some of these fuckers if they keep breaking the rules and percentages of worldwide turnover? I can only get so errect

    Even though this is EU based, if they actually follow through with the fines and possible breaking companies up I can’t see why the companies would not just make this a worldwide standard… I could be wrong of course cuz corporations are shit