Hot Saucerman


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2020


  • I didn’t say I wasn’t going to vote. I was simply pointing out that telling people to “vote harder” isn’t working, and for very real and visceral reasons such as risking employment and ability to care for oneself. You can’t act like real reasons that prevent people from being able to participate aren’t part of the conversation.

    Democrats are still the better choice, but I really don’t like people who could do more choosing not to because it’s easier to rake in money and sit on their hands while the Republicans act the fool, and then acting like it’s the voting public’s fault. That’s some kind of abuse. “I know we don’t treat you very well, but the other guys will actually really hurt you.” It feels like a threat. “We’ll let them hurt you if you don’t do enough for us.”

    We need a real leftist party in the US. Yet the top Democrats think we need a Republican party. They think we need a lunatic far right fringe always pushing us to the brink of authoritarianism. Why the fuck would they think we need that instead of a true leftist party? Because they like how much money they can make off how the game currently works. It is a game to them.

    “I will say this—you’ll be shocked, probably—I think the country needs a strong Republican Party [like] we need a strong Democratic Party…but this is not it,” Pelosi said. “It isn’t our judgment about what it should be. It’s their judgment, but it’s a missed opportunity for America.”

  • I’m sure everybody working three jobs gets a day off on election day and enough spare time to go to all local political functions. /s

    Dude over 60% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck. Maybe stop blaming them for lack of participation when most states make it outright difficult to participate. Missing work means risking losing their job (At-Will Employment ensures this, just like it makes discrimination legal. “We didn’t fire you cuz you’re gay, it’s because you missed a spot/were three minutes late one time.”), and if they’re working paycheck to paycheck, it also means being unable to pay rent or bills. Risking homelessness just to fucking vote. That’s what you’re asking of over 60% of US citizens.

    Young people make the least money and have to work the most to get ahead, but we are always blaming them for not showing up on election day. Sorry they were at fucking work instead of risking homelessness. Because ending up homeless will really help them if the Democrats win, you know how good Dems are at solving homelessness! /s

    They kick homeless people out of city centers in Democrat cities, too. Because businesses making money matters more than a humanitarian crisis I guess.

    Most people don’t have the time nor the money to be involved and that is on purpose.

    Get outta here with this “you just gotta vote harder” BS. Political participation is stacked against regular citizens purposefully.

  • Gonna be real difficult to recover from if you lose the device with your passkeys on it or that device is broken.

    Couple that with eSIMs and you are looking at a lot of headaches for the non-tech savvy.

    Supposedly you can use a security key but they are pushing biometrics, yikes!

    Wait until passkeys and all their issues have been solved by the major players.

    Don’t lock yourself out of your digital life chasing something flashy and new.

  • Woo we have full employment because everyone is so poor they are working three jobs! /s

    This is why people don’t take Democrats seriously. Too much crowing about bullshit like this.

    It’s like the ACA, they crowed about how many more Americans were now insured, but they didn’t talk about how universal healthcare would mean you don’t need to cover everyone with “insurance” anymore.

    Just like a few years ago when they crowed about how a thanksgiving dinner was like $3 less than the year before.

    It’s all public relations propaganda bullshit.

    The parties aren’t the same, but they serve the same masters of capital who only want to see US citizens getting scraps. Democrats love to pat themselves on the back for the bare minimum for their citizens. They know they don’t have to try because the other party literally wants to kill their political enemies. Not hard to sell yourself as “better” when it is as simple as “we aren’t actively trying to kill you like they are, but we will let you starve to death or die of medical complications.”

    “Because we are capitalists and that’s that.”. -Nancy Pelosi

  • The original creators are long gone, the philosophy of the site has changed, and it’s filled to the gills with ads and is just pretty sketchy at this point.

    Which is surprising, honestly, because the whole reason that the original team got absolutely fucked was because they had way less advertising on the site to help cover the costs. They were railroaded with “profiting off of facilitating piracy.” Yet the current team clearly is actually doing that and yet its fucking crickets from law enforcement. Reeks of it probably being owned by some government and they keep it up so they can keep track of piracy and send out cease and desist notices.

    Why else would they be allowed to continue to exist while flagrantly doing worse stuff than the original team that they literally jailed over less?

  • We let literal war criminals walk. Bush and Cheney are still viewed favorably by people and walk around as thought they weren’t architects of an illegal war and illegal torture of prisoners of war on top of countless pointless deaths.

    People acted like it was “cute” when Bush shared candy with Michelle Obama. No, it was sick propaganda meant to normalize a war criminal in the public eye.

    I don’t know what to tell you, the past informs the present. If you think the system will protect war criminals but won’t protect Trump, I think you’re naive.

  • This is the thing that blows my mind the most. If you just went in on this turd and called him out and called him names and called him stupid, he would absolutely lose his shit and lose control of his faculties. He absolutely is a fucking baby and cannot handle being bullied himself.

    I know it seems backwards, but bullying bullies tends to work. They are bullies because they are pussies who get away with abusing others. The second they face consequences, the crocodile tears roll out. My opinion is let 'em fucking cry about it, this is how they wanted to play the game.