• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It does suck that Google gave themselves a monopoly on it on Android. But I personally find it much better than Signal as far as features go. I think Signal tries too hard to be secure at the expense of features. My old phone broke and I lost all my messages. Nothing I can do to get them back. Luckily I only used it when my parents were out of the country, but if I had old messages and photos from a friend that passed, I would have been heartbroken. Signal was basically dead to me after I realized that sometimes I can lose messages.

    I still have my texts from when my wife and I started dating almost 15 years ago.

  • I guess it depends on how you define “worse”. With RCS, you have SMS fallback, so anyone with a phone number can get your message when you send it. There’s a lot of value in that. Even with dedicated IM services having more features, if everyone I know can’t agree on one of those, I dont want to have 5 messaging apps on my phone and have to check them all every day. Very few people that I know even use one of those, and those people are all using different ones.

    It’s great for Europeans where WhatsApp is ubiquitous, but here in the US, I don’t know a single person who uses WhatsApp. I’d someone asked me to use it, I would just tell them to text me because I don’t want to use a product owned by Facebook.

    The closest thing we have here that most people use is Discord, but the older people I know can’t figure it out.