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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I don’t think I’ve ever come across a DNS provider that blocks wildcards.

    I’ve been using wildcard DNS and certificates to accompany them both at home and professional in large scale services (think hundreds to thousands of applications) for many years without an issue.

    The problem described in that forum is real (and in fact is pretty much how the recent attack on Fritz!Box users works) but in practice I’ve never seen it being an issue in a service VM or container. A very easy way to avoid it completely is to just not declare your host domain the same as the one in DNS.

  • You don’t punish them per se, but you do sanction them.

    For example, Bolsonaro can’t leave the country even though he hasn’t been found guilty of anything yet.

    Also, someone who’s been accused of murder will probably be arrested preventatively if the judge in charge has reason to believe they will reincide before the proceedings are through.

    These things happen all the time and they’re designed to protect society from further damage from criminals who haven’t yet been fully judged and processed.

  • Having money means you don’t have to be a complete wage slave. When you’re not afraid of getting fired, when you have means to get by if you’re out of a job, etc. you don’t have to submit to abusive bosses, and you never feel like you’re helpless and can’t leave the place you work.

    With enough money, you may not need to work at all.

    In a capitalist society, money buys a way out of the always looming menace of the reserve army of labour. Maybe not completely, unless you’re dirty rich, but enough to remove helpless serfdom and slave-like conditions from one’s life.