• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • Exactly! It’s nice to have my subconscious be so helpful, but trying to think through something without putting it in front of me in some way is damn near impossible. And if someone interrupts me while I’m trying to think, then POOF! It’s all gone.

    I feel like an idiot, but other people assume I must be smart because I’m decent with problem solving. I’m really not smart. I’m probably just average, but slightly more self aware of how my own mind works.

    It’s such a weird position to be in, right?

    I forget if I put this in the original post, and I’m too lazy to check. But do you have trouble with your memory too? Like, I’m okay with recent bullet-point facts about an event, but couldn’t describe what I did yesterday in any real detail.

    I can tell you that I ate food in the kitchen and enjoyed it, but I can’t describe the experience of it very well, if at all. In a few days, I may even forget what the food I ate was. It’s already slipping. I know facts like it was hot and had cheese, I stood over the counter and had Dr. Pepper, but I couldn’t paint a picture for you. I couldn’t describe the experience of it very well, because I’d have to make assumptions and try to recreate what it must have been like.

    It sucks because that means I’m always recreating the event in mind head in order to try and remember it better, but without the aid of visualization. And apparently that seems a lot like I’m making things up and lying all the time. It sucks so much. And if I tell someone I don’t remember something well enough to talk about it, they also assuming I’m lying. “It was just last week, how do you not remember?”

    The more stressed I am, the worse my memory for that time is. And no matter what I do, I’m always the weird suspicious person.

    It’s exhausting.

  • I hope so. It’s more likely something infected Firefox itself, and didn’t get into the OS. But when I checked the modem logs, it happened up to a couple of months after the fact. That’s worrying.

    What’s even more worrying is that a couple of websites told me I had an IP address that didn’t match my home IP, but would provide the correct one if I refreshed the page a couple of times. So some kind of covert proxy or VPN type of thing was happening.

    I ended up just wiping everything, to be safe. Still a bit paranoid though.

  • Wes_Dev@lemmy.mltoAutism@lemmy.worldYes, yes I am
    3 months ago

    Or in my case, my parents getting angry AT ME for “acting weird” when a well-meaning teacher at school thought I was on drugs and had them call my mom to pick me up for a drug test in the middle of class.

    I was just anxious because they had a surprise visitor coming in to judge our work before college application season started. to this day, I still don’t know what I did or said that caused that reaction.

  • I know this story is more-so about a trojan in a trusted place, and not general security, but I have an anecdote to share.

    So, time to fess up here. I previously complained about Google trapping me in captcha-hell for enabling Ublock Origin.

    I was wrong.

    Turns out that I had visited a movie streaming site a while before to watch a season of some show, I forget which. Without any downloads or noticeable input on my part. My Linux box apparently got hacked/malware. All I did was click the occasional “I am a human” box on the website, and sit back with popcorn.

    I found out when my ISP starting blocking IP addresses some time later. I checked my modem’s logs, and they showed some unexplained traffic to impossible “unassigned” IP addresses afterward. I didn’t notice for a while.

    I was stupid. Even worse, my phone also started behaving badly after that. I think I watched the last few episodes in bed, so must have infected that too.

    Don’t assume any system is automatically safe.

  • I laughed out loud. Saving that pic.

    But yeah, I didn’t realize for the longest time that most people can see things in their minds at will. I never got an official diagnosis, but I tick damn near every box, and literally every person I’ve mentioned probably being autistic to has said something like “Oh, that makes sense!” I’m actually talking to a professional this weekend to see what she thinks.

    No books though, sorry.