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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I remember taking psych 101 or some equivalent and there was an entire 50 minute lecture about Freud. At the end I raised my hand and was like, “This… This is all considered bullshit now, right?” I can’t remember what exactly the answer was, but I do remember that it wasn’t an unequivocal yes. And that scared me.

  • Eh. I want to fuck a 20 year old. I want to have a relationship with a 40 year old. I’ve been in two different casual relationships with women younger than me (33/23, and 35/26) and they were exhausting. Not having any common cultural touchstones was a much bigger bummer than I thought it would be. So I wanted to spend an hour or two with them, but I find myself perfectly content spending an entire day with my current (39/35) fiance.

  • TeenieBopper@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's going
    8 months ago

    My dad died when I was 32 and my mom when I was 35. So like, not when I was a kid, but still relatively young. I just thought it was normal, right? Because everyone had their own normal. My therapist had to spend an entire session about how abnormal it was. 'how many of your friends have lost one or both of their parents?" The answer was less than two.

  • I was listening to a podcast about AI. I think it was one of Ezra Kleins. And he was telling a story that he heard, bout those weird virtual reality games from the 90s or early Aughts. And people shat on those games because they were awful and clunky and not very good so that shitting was well deserved. But one guy was like “yeah, that’s all true. But this is the worst it’s going to be. The next iteration isn’t going to be worse than this.”

    And that’s where AI is now. Like, it’s powerful and already a threat to certain jobs. GPT 3/4 may be useless to software engineering jobs now (I’d argue that it’s not - I work in a related field and I use it about daily) but what about GPT 5? 6? 10?

    Im not as doom and gloom on AI as I was six months ago, but I think it’s a bit silly to think that AI isn’t going to cause massive upheaval across all industries in the medium to long term.

    But also, for the record, I’m less worried about AI than I am about AI in the hands of Capitalism.

  • Older me kinda wishes younger me had considered accounting, but younger me was hung up on your first point. Younger me didn’t want a boring job. Older me is like “I don’t have to love my job, I just have to not hate it. I can do the things I love during my time.” And a low key, low stress, high autonomy job kinda nails that. I’m kind of accounting adjacent (data analyst) and it’s working out so far, but there’s probably more salary stability in your career vs mine. The February to May crunch kinda scares me tho.