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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • How can that be a classic behaviour? For one, they haven’t done it, as illustrated by how hard they’ve cracked down on any facist behaviour since the cessation of WII. And wouldn’t they have had to have done it more than once for it to be a classic behaviour? They’ve literally been nazists once. They’d have to have been nazists more than once, and gone through the phases you’ve described for any normal person to call it a “classic”.

    You know what is an example of a classic behaviour though? Internet “experts” who just trust what they’re given and don’t do any research about it. Like you’ve done. Want proof? Read the other reply to the comment you’ve replied to here. And if that’s not enough, explain to me why the German foreign minister hasn’t been jailed/charged/etc for these remarks. Never trust just one source.

  • They don’t. Go and reread what I wrote, then come back here and quote the part of my comment where I said that.

    And I again refer you back to what I previously wrote, your priorities change as you age. Mine did. I’m far more likely to have sex with a partner who’s company I enjoy than someone who’s company I don’t enjoy. That aside, I didn’t say you’re gonna just start solely having sex with only people you have good company with. I didn’t even say that you’d stop trying to have sex with people you were physically attracted to. I said your standards will change. Which insinuated that maybe you might not have slept with someone when you were 18yo cos they didn’t meet your criteria of being attractive back then, but you might now cos your standards have changed.

  • Wait, what? That seems odd. They’ve deleted music videos from my account (which I had the files for, and the videos in question were also pulled from YouTube etc by the band, so I don’t think it’s apple’s fault they were pulled), but I still have all the music I’ve made myself. I do back it up every 2 or 3 months (I would cry for the rest of my life if I lost it, I have nearly 2yrs of continuous music), but I’ve never had to restore it (and this has reinforced why I do back up).

    Edit: looked it up, I see the issue now. I don’t use Apple music, and every instance I can find of this happening is associated with ceasing that subscription. But I just use iTunes and the iTunes store. Dunno how this would work for you since it’s your own music (and I dunno if it’d work for music not in the iTunes catalogue, ie stuff from Bandcamp, qobuz, cough cough less than legal methods, etc), but it would appear all you have to do is log in to your account again and re-download the deleted files.

    Second edit: just realised I have lost some actual music from my account. The series of live albums that iTunes directly released from the iTunes festivals they ran like 15yrs ago just came to mind. They’re gone from my account. And probably a bunch of others. They were never deleted from my hard drive though.

  • StorminNorman@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    You’re still gonna be attracted to 20yos physically. There’s over 100k years of evolution that wants you to mate with the fittest, most attractive mate that you can. But is that a person you actually want to spend time with outside of the bedroom? So, yeah, your standards in regards to physical attractiveness are gonna drop as you age, but your other standards will likely change too.

  • To be fair, Nelson Mandela was sorta a terrorist. He wasn’t as bad as his wife (she spoke at length about doing stuff like putting car tyres around enemies necks, filling the tyres with petrol, then lighting em up), but he did turn a blind eye to some pretty despicable shit that his supporters were doing. For a very long time Amnesty international didn’t support him. Personally, I think the reason he was ignoring these things was good, but the acts themselves sorta don’t justify it. But then, you have to do something to overthrow the oppressors and I’m a white male so I know I will never truly understand the motivations for these acts and can’t really judge anyone for em.

  • Nobody expected it because there is a literal convention preventing it. Sure, Erdogan is a cunt, but this isn’t the first time Turkey has denied passage. They’ve done it to Russia. They’ve done it to the US. And for all your talk of Erdogan wanting his pound of flesh, nobody is stupid enough to go up against the US defence forces unless they have very solid backing for their stance. Which the convention gives them. This scenario would be completely different if they were making exceptions for some but not others, but they’re not.

  • Now, I can’t speak as to the memes you’ve seen, but I can say, could be worth talking to your healthcare professional about it. But I’d try not to worry about it much until then (especially if it’s only memes making you think this), because a lot of the things us ADHDers do are actually quite “normal”. Happens with a number of mental disorders. A good example would be how being a neat freak or worried about germs doesn’t mean you have OCD. The issue those of us with ADHD have is that we do these “normal” things so excessively that it usually causes us serious complications with life. (Should also add, not everything we do is “normal”, but for the most part, yeah it is.)

  • Since you’re being pedantic, I will be too. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word destroy can mean “to damage something so badly it cannot be used”. I’d argue making the planet incompatible for life is a pretty fucking good example of it being damaged so badly that it cannot be used. And we are doing that, it’s predicted we could lose up to 70% of all plant and animal species by the end of this century if we continue the way we are. Dunno how long after that it’d take to kill 100%, but I’d say taking out 70% is giving it a red hot crack…

  • I am a terrible watcher of wrestling. I’ll watch a show, then not watch one for two years. But I caught his SummerSlam match, and the kid can go. Like, he had all the fundamentals down. The whole going slow that takes forever for wreztlers to learn. He can sell moves with the best of em. His moves were super crisp. Calling the next sequence etc. Do I think he’s way overpaid? Yes. Do I hate that some internet guy is being made famous when they squander literal Olympic level wrestlers? Yes. But, I mean, he’s putting out good matches…

    And yeah, I’ve never really followed him, so this was always his “redemption” to me. If he’s still doing the horseshit I have heard him and Jake do well… But I wanna hope!