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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • In the same way that North Korea has “Democratic” in the name, sure. It’s all so surface level as to be essentially meaningless. While I agree that fairness does involve some arguing of that kind of a technicality it really only serves to validate the idea that Israel is justified in any way.

    Israel wants to eradicate an entire culture and their people. They want to steal their land and are doing so with the help of major world powers. They bomb hospitals, shoot civilians, and terrorize Palestinians on the basis that they’re somehow owed that land. Hamas retaliated and now Israel is complaining by obliterating the entire country. The “peace” this lady wants is the peace for Israel to continue to do these things without retaliation. She doesn’t want peace, she wants submission.

    The mega rich are just terrified of consequences and try, every day, to get their poor behaviour and lack of humanity written into laws and precedent so that they don’t have to ever to take blame for any of the rotten shit they pull.

  • It would be the same as ending the war Ukraine by letting Russia keep what they stole. Zero incentive not to keep doing it and it validates the side of the aggressor by saying “wow you both need to stop fighting”.

    Right-wingers love to cite self-defense as reasons why they should own guns and be able to shoot people who simply knock on their front door but the second a brown person does it after years of being systematically oppressed/genocided suddenly they’re just as guilty as the oppressor, if not more so.

    In short, wanting peace in that way is a pretty little lie meant to legitimize terror campaigns and invalidate the damage done to the victims. It’s full of horseshit.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idRabbit: $30,000,000 AI Is Hiding a Scam
    1 month ago

    17min really isn’t that much time and not every minute needs to be fully optimized. I mean, you found the time to bitch about a YouTuber not making an article which is far less time but infinitely more worthless.

    And yes, I do I hope I find a job soon. It’s rough out there.

    If you really want someone to make it easy for you, basically Lyu has made some absolutely bonkers promises under the old company name from making a carbon negative crypto-currency attached to real-world solar grids using NFTs as a sort of stock option all the way to promising that they’d invent an AI powered digital universe that would be so advanced that it would basically mirror real life. He said all that and declared not only a roughly two year timeline but also that ten years wouldn’t be necessary.

    And yet now he and his company can’t even produce this Rabbit thing in a way that can even barely function. Once again, tech bros are showing just how much “idea people” are kinda worthless when they have zero concept of how to execute literally anything with any depth. Venture Capitalists are also once again proving how stupid they are for believing this crap again.

    I’m not sure why the length of the video is upsetting you so much. I hope you find more time in your life for suboptimal things. Maybe you should by a vibrator and experience some pleasure.

  • I used to keep my phone under my pillow(no night table) with an alarm on it.

    “Stressed” is not lightly used when I talk about how it felt for my phone to go off and not stop. Alarm off, power off, under a pillow, thrown away, even smashed and snapped in two it would always keep ringing because, of course, in the real world it was under my head and never changing. Once I woke up proper and turned it off the silence was painful and I felt so unrested I very nearly cried.

    It’s not an “emotional” nightmare, i.e. it didn’t pull at anything heavy on my mind or anything, but it was torturous as a “physical” one.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldAutistic roommate and scooter issues
    2 months ago

    The energy I’m getting from this, and it might be different in reality but this is what the post is offering, is very “I’m constantly questioning him to the point where he probably just has no idea if what I’m saying is valuable or just me not trusting him to handle himself.” It doesn’t matter if you’re looking out for him if the only thing you’re actually showing is judgement.

    And the parking around back thing…you say you don’t care but the very first thing you have to say about it is that it’s not socially acceptable. And what’s the problem, then? Is someone going to egg your house over it or are you just worried that someone who isn’t worth your time anyway might have a negative opinion of you?

    It’s good that you’re worried about him but a) he’s an adult who makes his own choices and you ultimately can’t force him to do anything and b) if that worry presents as judgement and a barrage of unsolicited “advice” it doesn’t fucking matter, one little bit, what your intention supposedly is. Neurotypical people and their game of expecting mind-reading while communicating poorly and unclearly is tiring as hell and he might just not give a rat’s ass about your opinion anymore.

    Everything you’ve written is about you not wanting to deal with something. You seem to care more about your personal image and the impact you’ll feel if he gets upset rather than something bad happening to him. It’s not his fault you can’t communicate clearly.

    It’s a just scooter and he’s an adult. Until you come to terms with that you’re never going to get anywhere and it’s not his job to do the work for you.

    BONUS: As a motorcycle rider I know that the rules about vehicles that don’t require licenses are speed limited. For where I’m from that’s 50km/h before it requires a license. You telling him to look elsewhere or buy online is stupid as hell. He did exactly what you told him to do and you’re upset about it.

  • The fucked thing is that it wouldn’t be such a huge deal but they all want to make money on the current number of customers instead of their potential. People are poorer and poorer and have to choose maybe one or two services at a time at the prices they are.

    They would rather get one customer for $15/mo than 4 or 5 customers for $5/mo. And they together created an environment where it’s hard for any one of them to make the first move. Healthy competition only really works when people act in good faith and none of these people are capable of that even when it benefits them.

    Business people are truly dumbest creatures on this planet. “What if we make them poor and then charge them a bunch of money? That makes sense, right? And if they get upset we tell them it’s their fault.”

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    So the best you got is medieval Iceland? And one of the main point is just on the height of people there while the other is trying to pull the concept of fair wages from butter and meat and shit? The scale alone is so incredibly small and the needs so localized that it has absolutely nothing to do with modern life in the slightest. It is so far removed from our reality that it might as well not be touched on at all when the United States, the shining beacon of capitalism, started with very few regulations and then needed a bunch because “the market” wasn’t doing it’s fucking job.

    They also compared Icelandic chieftains to feudal lords in England. Capitalism was invented to keep the idea of the monarchy going when it was clear that citizens of the world were getting fed up with their lords just doing whatever the fuck they wanted simply because they had the money to do so. Making that comparison is almost literally showing how, with a larger population, capitalism ceases to function and just becomes taxation without representation. It’s the same with any extreme ideology, in the end, where it demands full cooperation which simply cannot happen.

    Tell me, in your own words, why my points are incorrect. Tell me why Medieval Iceland is a good example when we have so many modern examples of less regulation leading to more needless suffering.


    You can still have money in other systems. The reason capitalism just doesn’t work is because it puts all the importance on said money, ahead of all of the people who exist in the world. A person is reduced down to their possessions and how much capital they have and can earn in the short term, and without those things they are thrown aside. Big money means big power and it can use that to further decrease the power of people. We’re seeing it everywhere right now. And more and more the people are afraid of losing what little money they have and so are allowing some horrible things to happen to themselves and others out of fear of losing their scraps.

    It just doesn’t work.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    If you want to end capitalism this ain’t it. They want anarcho-capitalism, which is just an extreme form of capitalism that assumes everyone has the best of intentions. It’s capitalism except without any pesky “regulations” or “having to help literally anyone else”. The only driving force behind anything is money you have access to in your short lifetime and holding onto your private property at all costs.

    It’s the purest, worst possible form of capitalism if you care about other people to any degree. The only people that think it’s a good idea are people who currently believe that capitalism would totally work if we would just let corporations do whatever they wanted and if taxes were voluntary. In reality most of our labour laws are written so to stop shit like locking people inside a factory so they wouldn’t go on a break and watching them die from a fire multiple times. Building codes exist to stop them creating death-traps, and since they don’t a give a rat’s ass about the longterm we have to be constantly fighting them with environmental regulations so that future generations can survive.

    In short, any anarcho-capitalist society would end up needing to have worker unions(governments) to protect people in the end, the workers would want a say in affairs(a vote), and there would be union dues(taxes). The only difference is that if you aren’t working you don’t get to have access to, or say in, anything that happens.

    It’s dogshit.