ShittyKopper [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m not entirely sure if such an instance exists, but just letting you know that in case you can’t find any, a reasonable compromise would be to join an instance that’s enforcing authorized fetch (and is blocking threads)

    this will make it harder for facebook to read your data through federation alone (i.e. even if a post of yours get boosted by someone with followers from threads, it won’t “leak” there)

    there are ways to bypass this of course but if facebook is found to do something of that sort they would out themselves as actively malicious which would definitely get a reaction even from the “wait and see” crew

  • They aren’t forced to do anything. Manifest v3 is just a part of the WebExtensions API (which is not a standard and is really just “whatever Chrome does except we find/replace’d the word chrome to browser”) which both Safari and Firefox chose to implement in order to make porting of Chrome extensions easier.

    Before that, Firefox had a much more powerful extension system that allowed extensions quite a lot of access to browser internals, but that turned out to be a maintenance nightmare so they walled those APIs off (not a coincidence that Firefox started getting massive performance improvements after that, and extensions stopped breaking every other release) and decided to go the WebExtensions route. I have no clue what Safari was up to but I think they implemented it after.

    If they don’t implement Manifest v3, extensions that want to work across multiple browsers need to support both the older Manifest v2 and the later Manifest v3, which would be a burden not many extension authors would want to bother with, which would make them just say “yeah we’re not supporting anything outside Chrome”. Firefox avoids this problem by extending the v3 API to allow for the functionality necessary for powerful ad blocking Google removed in v3 (webRequestBlocking) while also implementing the new thing (declarativeNetRequest) side by side, so extensions that want to take advantage of the powerful features on Firefox can do so, while Chrome extensions that are fine with the less powerful alternative can still be ported over relatively easily.

    Firefox does have it’s fair share of extensions on top of the WebExtension API already (sidebar support for one), so adding one more isn’t too big of a deal.

  • One of the reasons I use containers instead of installing things directly is that i can completely uninstall a service by deleting a single directory (that contains a compose.yml and any necessary volumes) and running a docker/podman system prune -a

    or that i can back up everything by backing up a single “containers” dir, which i could have on a subvolume and snapshot if i wanted to

    systemd/quadlet on the other hand makes me throw files in /etc (which is where you’re supposed to put them, but ends up resulting in them being tangled together with base system configuration often partially managed by the package manager)

    The Solution™ to this is configuration management like ansible or whatnot, which needlessly overcomplicates things for the use cases i need (though they’re still useful for getting a base system “container ready” wrt ssh hardening and such)

    tldr: i want my base system to be separated from my services, and systemd integration is the exact wrong tool for this job

  • In Logseq, everything is a nested list. This feels like a limitation, but I’ve been preferring it. The decision is made for you: you’re going to jot this information down as a list. So then you just start writing it.

    Oh - this sounds interesting.

    Whenever I needed to jot down any notes I’ve been finding myself just writing plain .txt files with bullet points, and trying tools like Obsidian or TiddlyWiki I always ended up being overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I could do (and with all the customization options) that I never got around to actually writing things down. I’m definitely gonna look into how Logseq works.

    (Although I have to say, their website does look a bit “too hype-y” for my liking. IDK how to explain it, just a gut feeling. Still, at least it’s FOSS so it can’t be too bad)