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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Sometimes the updates aren’t even worth it.

    Toyota said my prius needed an update so I installed the app for it. All the update did was remove fucking features that were usable in the car. Used to have the option to use Pandora from the console but it got removed randomly by an update.

    Then they installed an Alexa search page that glitches my console if I every select it.

    Basically I’m saying FUCK TOYOTA

  • When I was in middle school I began to have terrible GERD related symptoms and none of the doctors I saw back then ever gave me medicine to deal with it or the anxiety I was getting from it.

    It was so bad that even raising my heart rate would sometimes cause my stomach to pulsate in pain. My anxiety made it worse and I would sometimes get excused from gym class because I didn’t want to spend the rest of the day in agony.

    My gym teacher took this personally and gave me shit the whole time. He wouldn’t lose a chance to get back at me the whole year. Once I came into gym class with him yelling at me in front of the whole class for putting my clothing in the wrong locker & then getting pissed since he had to break my lock to get my stuff out of there. I knew for a fact it was my locker as he was the one who showed me it at the beginning of the year.

    I once had to miss school because I was at the doctor’s getting what I think was an X ray scan of my stomach. My gym coach was so pissed I wasn’t there that he started giving a whole speech to our class about “What the measures of a good man are” and kept giving me as context to them as what wasn’t a good man.

    Then there was when I had to quickly leave his class one day because I had to go to the bathroom from GERD related shit again. This got him so mad that he forced me to stay after class so that I had to run a mile by myself as he yelled at how bad I was doing when I started throwing up.

    I fucking hated that guy. I was dealing with so much misery by just trying to get through the days back then and had to deal with that antagonist prick who hated me when I was 12.

  • My sister was being sexually harassed online by a guy online for years. He would cyberstalk everything she did and she then tried to get the police to help after she couldn’t handle it anymore.

    The cop that came to our house blamed my sister for it. Told her she must have done something to get this guys attention even though she never met him or spoke to him before.

    I told another person I knew about the guy and she messaged him. The guy sent her a dick pic. She was 15.

    If you wanna watch a half hour documentary about how pathetic the guy is, then please watch this video with over 500k views about him. It’s crazy to think my sister called the cops on the guy over a decade ago and because of that one cop, the guy was able to so much bad he got half a million views online for it.


  • That’s so true lol. Long story below but it deals with a fuck up some mods did with the old/new rules & automod.

    I once had to deal with a major fuck up that the previous mods left me as they all fucked off to mod the next version of the console the subreddit was for. On the day they added me and two others, they practically said bye and good luck but didn’t give us any control of the sub. They never touched the sub & the two other new mods quit or didn’t touch the sub too. Was fun to be the sole mod with a subreddit of 5 million people for like 5 months…

    The issue was that on the day before the old team fucked off, one of them changed the automod to automatically remove any post that dealt with support. It was set up that so the “support help” flair that any user could pick, would trigger the automod to remove it and then warn the user they would be banned if they didn’t post it in the correct support thread.

    Buuuuut the automod stated the rule wrong compared to the New Reddit version and mobile app people were flocking to modmail freaking out that they were about to be banned for trying to ask help to fix their console. AND it never stated what support thread or gave a link to it which made everyone ask on modmail for that too.

    I had to deal with hundreds of modmails alone while learning how to code automod since the old mod refused to fix it even though I stated how people were freaking out. Thankfully I got help from somebody else that gave me tips on automod and how to correctly code it.

    It turned out the automod was only stating the old.reddit rules and nobody had changed the new.reddit rules to match it. I used RIF to mod so I only saw the old sidebar lol.

    I wanted to say all that because i realized that experience I had with basically being left to hang is how all these new mods probably have been for the last two months. All these features with no help or support from past mods would suck so much. I eventually snapped and called out all the old mods for how shitty they were for leaving one of the biggest subreddits on Reddit to a single person before leaving the team.

    End of the long story lol. Sorry for making you read all that 😆 I just really hate how the new.reddit format can fuck up sooooo much shit.

  • the anonymous Redditor pointed me to the subreddit’s sidebar, which has a disclaimer about the dangers of electricity. However, the disclaimer is only visible on old Reddit. The mod doesn’t know why.

    Wow this is the part that made me laugh the most. One of the first things I learned when as a mod was that you had to change the side bar in both old.reddit and the newer version since they both have different sidebars.

    I never even realized that the loss of whole mod teams could make this simple feature unknown by the new team.

  • I used to mod some big subs and saw one of the dumbest ways the admins banned someone.

    So one of the mods I knew posted a video of a picture containing a microwave with Alvin & The Chipmunks photoshopped in. The video had audio of a microwave turned on with high pitched screaming too.


    That 14 second video he posted on a sub he modded got the admins to permanently ban him across Reddit and then refuses to ever reply to him when he asked why. It was perfectly acceptable for that subreddit too.

    Hell I even started a conversation with some admins for some other issues and asked them about it. They ignored that question completely lol.

    I don’t regret leaving that site. I do regret modding big subs tho lmao.