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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • If things would stop getting shittier, then yes. I’m not entirely sure that it applies here so I understand your annoyance, but you’re seeing “enshittification” everywhere because we’re seeing the practice of enshittification everywhere. I applaud it being called out. We shouldn’t be seeing higher prices for worse experiences, but that’s the current trend. If you’re tired of seeing the word, then it’d probably be a good idea to take a break from c/technology because I don’t think it’s stopping any time soon.

  • I would be a better husband, first of all. I’d have much more time and energy available for more than what I already do around the house plus better dates. Beyond that, I think I’d write and record a bunch of music just to share with the world, maybe try to make a few bucks off of it but not beyond “buy me a beer” type donations from people who can spare it. I really want to do a post-rock concept album before I kick the bucket, just to have a big completed project checked off. Maybe I’d write some bad poetry too until I got sorta good at it, maybe a book if I had enough to say.

    I’d also play even more video games, obviously. Maybe I’d finally hit champ in Rocket League lmao.

  • Gotcha, yeah that’s the best of both worlds then.

    I didn’t mean that you will be in an echo chamber so much as that they will be in an echo chamber because if everybody ignores them then they have nobody left to challenge them. There are a ton of lurkers reading but never or rarely posting or commenting, so I’m mostly challenging bad faith arguments for their benefit. Without challenge, somebody casually reading might just accept that bad faith argument as fact or at least valid. Idk how effective it is, but I’m doing what I can to reduce the radical right wing incel neckbeard population. 🤷‍♂️

  • You’re doing the right thing for your mental health, I think. The only reason I don’t do the same thing is that I want to be aware of how prevalent the toxicity is. It’s pretty easy to wave off fringe stuff as being insignificant only to find that you were in a bubble and that fringe shit has grown really big. And it gets to grow bigger without somebody there to challenge it.

    10% of people believe that the moon landing was fake, the earth is flat, and covid vaccines contained tracking microchips. 10% isn’t the majority or anything, but it’s significantly higher than I would’ve thought. With the habitual defunding of education, increased misinformation and disinformation in media, reduction of in-person interactions with strangers due to online shopping and streaming, and encouragement by algorithms that show people only what they want to see, we’re driving people deeper into echo chambers. We’re forgetting how to respectfully disagree and discuss thoughtfully. We’re backsliding societally to solving problems with our fists. As much as I think Nazis deserve to get punched in the mouth, I think proper discussions would prevent them from becoming Nazis in the first place.

    Fascism is on the rise globally, and part of it is because fascists can find fascists and radicalize people into fascism more easily than ever, and part of it is because it’s easier to ignore fascism than it is to publicly challenge it. Even outside of fascist moderators who will ban those who challenge the ideas in the first place (my ban from r/conservative was a badge of honor when I was on reddit).

    I’m glad you’ve found a way to keep it as a palatable experience. I still have some fight in me, but I’ll probably need to filter some of this garbage out soon.

  • he has a highschool masturbation related injury that causes one of his arms to constantly ache

    Source? I’ve never heard of this (never cared much about him or Twitter) and tried to look it up, but I’m not seeing it anywhere.

    I don’t understand how anybody can do something for a while, make millions or even billions off of doing that thing, and then they try to do other things to make more money and stay in the public eye. Just buy an island and fuck off for your remaining decades of retired decadence. What more could you want?

  • Devil’s advocate moment. I rode a motorcycle for many years. For whatever reason, people just tend to not see things smaller than a mid size sedan. People would pull out in front of me or change lanes into me so often that I just started to assume that people were trying to hit me, so I drove with what in a car was my “what if” scenario as my default expectation.

    Combine that with whatever happened in his day beforehand and also his difficulties managing emotions and communication all with a stranger who at best doesn’t know what his day or lifestyle is like, at worst is somebody who doesn’t care and is wholly incapable of admitting fault, and I can see how he could find himself in sticky situations that he didn’t or couldn’t help, yet wasn’t necessarily the instigator.

    But it’s also possible that he’s spiting other drivers for unknown reasons. Life is hard on everybody these days and maybe he’s taking it out in an unhealthy way. Idk haha.

  • Have you explained the “why” behind you wanting him to park it in the back? Without the context of it being potentially dangerous for both of you and the possible theft, it might be inferred as you just trying to take control of him, his stuff, and his routines. If there’s a way to make an area in the back a nice spot that is “his space” then he will probably be much more receptive. Everybody is different though so idk. Try open ended questions about what he wants and how he wants to do things. Bring up your concerns and see if you can brainstorm as a team for how you both can make adjustments to get a win for the both of you. Make it clear that you’re his partner that’s looking out for you both, not his adversary.