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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024

  • If you like romance literature, I can name a few, but suffice to say, my favorite narrators are really great at lending each character their own tones, inflections, and cadence, while not being too disracting to listen too.

    In traditional reading, you get used to the idea that (“) before a sentence indicates that what follows is said aloud by a character, and you often don’t need any context to figure out who said what. And the (”) at the end indicates that what follows isn’t said by them. Your brain hardly even notices them and yet you very rarely are reading dialogue without knowing its speaker, unless its the purpose of the author that you don’t.

    Any narrator who can help convey the concept of quotation marks as seamlessly as my brain can while reading text is very appreciated in my books.

  • Exactly. The source and the setting make the difference, not the looks.

    Some big wig isn’t going to raise a hand in a board meeting and ask to go to the bathroom. Why not? Because they’re an executive and this isn’t a school room.

    I’ve not once ever heard or seen represented any person ask something like that… likely because its pretty easy to have the social skills to know better. So why are there so many loud men who want tk instead blame their looks when its just a refusal to abide by the same social skills?

  • Hey.

    You know what?

    The only use those types of thoughts have in anyone’s life, is to remind you of something you value completing.

    Thats it. Once you’ve had the thought, let the next thought follow just be - Yup.

    Maybe you do it, maybe not. But putting that pressure on yourself isn’t serving the purpose of doing that thing, in fact, it almost always does the opposite.

    So yes, Ideally, we’d have no motivation other than feeling the need to do a thing simply because its what need to do.

    But its not like that, for anyone. Stop being so expectant of yourself, and instead just expect that kind of thought to come up, and then wave at it, and let it pass on by.

  • No I’m saying yeah that is the thing that exists right now, and for some people that’s the only way that they can have / use a phone.

    Between planned obsolescence and how careless and demanding in resources even phone apps are becoming now, cheap phones are as bad as really old phonesn

    All I know is that maybe instead of putting a law like this in we’re going to just add the price somewhere else I say we just shut all these companies down and run this cell phone towers ourselves since all of our tax money has been going to these companies for them to build all these things that they don’t ever build or they build the bare minimum to get away with nobody taking the money back and it’s fucked up

  • Sometimes, actually kinda often, people come to you who know the costs of your materials pretty accurately. “I used to own a…” and “My industry uses that too, and it…” or any info regarding your costs.

    Almost always those phrases are followed by some level of attempt to lower your prices.

    Don’t, even at the start, even if its family. You don’t even have to explain it to them if you don’t like confrontation.

    If they know it so well, they also know why your pricing is the way it is, and what they’d like you do is bend over.

    Also, relatedly, inflation always sucks, and your pricing, if fair, reflecting that will be anticipated. Trying to remain at the same price when your costs really change isn’t good business. For something like filament, idk if wholesale prices fluctuate or just go up, so leaving some space if the former so you can avoid constantly updating your pricing is cool too. For a business I used to own, I just priced factoring my gas pricing a half a dollar more than the start of the year’s, and rarely had to adjust it within a year.

  • Which they’ve shown they aren’t willing to do…

    Personally, YT premium is my only subscription I have, and wouldn’t really have any others if money wasn’t this tight. But I was paying before this recent anti blocker war, I prefer YT Music just because of the way it handles a bunch of the music remixed by seperate and probably not “official” artists. And with how much youtube I watch on mobile instead of my PC, messing with blocking wasn’t very appealing to me, since the jump from YTmusic to full premium is less than almost any streaming sub.

    But I have always watched/backgroundnoised a lot of youtube, so its not that much of pain. Realistically, this was bound to happen eventually, hosting that much content hasn’t really gone down in costs as quickly as most tech overhead. But its a fairly complex line item, not just hardware & facilities, but all the law office hours related to copyright log is an ongoing and probably still growing cost for them and since they are not Disney thats a real cost I’d imagine.

    As a side note, it just reminds me how shockingly unaware I am of how much they must value our personal data, that it only just now became worthwile to fight blockers with this much effort and PR/image depreciation.

  • I would also ask this.

    Stratera was the first medication a doc put me on, and I was maybe 8 or 9 at most, but even I recall what was insufficiently described as more confidence and felt like better mood regulation overall.

    But I was drug through the least consistent medical care for most of my childhood. If I wasn’t making their lives miserable, then we just didnt go, no matter how horribly I was feeling etc etc.

    I’ve been diagnosed with AdHd/ADD by 3 seperate doctors over my life already, each with a new suggested med, and currently having to wait a bit longer than I think is fair just have a fourth doctor do the same so that I can recieve meds in this state.

    I’ve never been on any singular medication and dosage to speak on much of anything with certainty, but I do remember for a a moment that Stratera was helpful. I was only allowed to take it for a bottle or so I think, so i’m not sure.

    Pretty sure that it was one the two least gut-affecting meds I have tried though.

    Ritalin being the absolute worst, meth fucked with my stomach less than even the initial dose Ritalin did. I remember being upset with teachers all the time cause of how much time I felt I had to spend in the bathroom, so I was focused… on how anxious I was.

    Meth sucks other ways though, so don’t go get some cause you’re tum tum hurts kids. Hands down thats the dumbest shit I ever did by a long lead.