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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Combustible compounds react with oxygen to form lower energy oxidized compounds. Carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide. A fully oxidized compound can’t be further oxidized under normal conditions.

    Water is the most oxidized form of hydrogen. It can’t be further oxidized under normal conditions, hence why it’s not combustible.

    Methane is the most reduced for of carbon, so it really wants to be oxidized. Carbon monoxide is only partially oxidized, so it’s still flammable.

  • A bunch of hosers were sittin’ ‘round the fire drinkin’ beers. One of 'em said, “ya know, we should name our country, eh?”

    “Oh yah, we should. How ya reckon we should do that?”

    “Oh, it’s easy! We take all the letters of the alphabet, write 'em on pieces of paper, and stick 'em all in a hat. Then we draw 'em out and see what our name is!”

    “Oh, that’s a great idea! I’ve got some paper right here donchaknow!”

    So, they wrote all the letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper and threw 'em in a toque.

    “All right, what’s the first letter?”

    “C, eh?”

    “What’s the next letter?”

    “N, eh?”

    “What the next letter?”

    “D, eh?”

    “OK, that seems long enough”