Mostly kind chonky weirdo. Gentle nerd freak of the pacific north west. All nation states are vermin.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • In parliamentry systems you can dissolve parliament, requiring an election. It’s usually a way to bypass deadlock. Imagine if, when republicans are fucking around with the debt ceiling and pissing off the country, you could threaten to call a snap election and let them answer to voters then and there.

    So if this passes it would basically force a national referendum on netanyahu’s leadership.

    If gantz is pushing this, probably he thinks he can win. That could mean netanyahu’s many financial and political crimes being looked into again. Maybe.

    It could mean more of a focus on getting hostages back, but it might not lead to much change in gaza:

    Gantz’ centrism is not equivalent to Western centrism: Natenyahu’s Likud party and other Israeli nationalists have “gone so right-wing that the center in Israel has changed,” a Middle East Institute think tank fellow told Al Jazeera. Previously serving as Commander-in-Chief of the Israeli Defense Forces, Gantz has overseen two military offensives in Gaza and labeled several Palestinian NGOs terrorist organizations, indicating it is “unlikely” he would improve the conditions for Palestinians living in Gaza

  • Anyone not voting for Biden because of Gaza is a fucking idiot.

    The democracts insist on maintaining this position despite the mountain of evidence that it’s driving down turn out in their base, and does not represent the wishes of the electorate.

    Why is it that voters have to swallow genocide, and not that democrats have to stop perpetuating electorally unpopular genocide?

    Of course trump will be worse and i’ll be holding my nose and voting for biden but it makes no sense to blame voters for the inevitable and foreseeable consequences of the imperial cowardice of the democratic party.

  • The only thing I’ve found that helps is feeling like I achieved something worthwhile in my day. So after 6+ hours of video games it’ll be like 1am, I’ll yawn and suddenly think, oh I should get in a couple hours of writing. Whereas if I had already cleaned the house and emailed my family then I’ll be in bed by 11.

    It’s a problem where the solution is to not have the problem in the first place, which doesn’t help if you already have the problem.

  • Yeah, everyone dreams multiple times every night. I’m sure these days most people mean ‘don’t remember dreams’ when they say ‘don’t dream’, but when I grew up so many people honestly thought they did not dream and wouldn’t believe me when I tried to explain how that’s biologically impossible.