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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • HRDS_654@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThis is a real photo
    3 months ago

    Voting for Trump ISN’T holding Biden accountable though. It IS putting a right wing wannabe fascist in office. The American people can still hold Biden accountable for his actions without forfeiting their right to vote. Trump Literally wants to be Putin. I don’t approve of Biden, but given the choice I would want him over Trump.

  • I mean, it’s supposed to be a dystopian world. You’re not supposed to want the world they’re giving you, hence the “punk” part. Too many people ignore that punk movements are meant to fight against an established system. That’s what punk is. When you say something is solarpunk or steampunk you are implying a downside to the established order. If nobody is rebelling it’s not punk.

  • You really think Windows 10 has less tracking? This is the thing that bothers me the most in general. People are quick to just accept what they think is the popular view of something without experiencing it for themselves. Especially in the day and age of social media people just say things are bad because someone they know watched a video that says it was bad.

    Literally, this whole Windows 11 is bad thing started because some tech content creators pointed out that every other version of Windows is bad (which isn’t even strictly true) and everyone just agreed with them because they “know what they are talking about”. I hold on love for Microsoft, but I also hold no love for Google and Apple because they are corporations and that means you should trust them as far as you can throw them. Windows 11 wasn’t even great in the beginning, but I wanted to give it a shot because I wanted the full experience. I wanted to know what I was talking about when I told people not to upgrade. As of right now the general public (e.g. not a bunch of Linux nerds on the Fediverse) are probably fine to use 11. Would I tell people to go out of their way to upgrade? Fuck no. But if a new computer comes with 11 pre-installed they probably wouldn’t even notice beyond the taskbar placement.