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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I work in hospice and see a variety of conditions. Some people in their 60’s with significant mobility issues that are chronically exhausted, but then there’s the patients in their 90’s who just recently started cutting back on social events and activities due to injury/illness.

    Seeing these differences was why I started roller skating (again) at 49 and increased other activities to keep my ass moving and challenge my coordination and balance. I want to get everything I can out of this life.

  • Serious question.

    Following the assumption that it’s not food safe plastic, what is the actual risk that we’re talking about here? I get that there’s many variables (length of time/temp of contact, porousness and moisture content of food, etc) but let’s say that the variety of foods were stored in a cooler for 4 hours prior to consumption. To do this 3x a year, what are the risks? Obviously this set up left in the car during the summer for 8hrs before eating would be a REALLY bad idea, but wondering where it starts crossing the line from insignificant risk to “you should really think twice.”

    I remember years ago Mythbusters tested the “5 second rule” and contamination really had much more to do with what was making contact vs how long.

  • In my 51 years I’ve never seen mold grow in a freezer. Preferably a mycologist would chime in to clarify if there are any molds that grow under those circumstances.

    My guess is that 1) there was a supply chain issue where the product wasn’t held at the right temp long enough for it to mold, then continued on its journey to a home freezer. Or 2) “Oops! I bought too many groceries and can’t fit everything in the freezer. I’ll just throw this box in the fridge (and proceed to forget it exists.)”

  • 17 years ago on a Saturday night, just before bedtime, my 4yo son was being a dufus and managed to break his collarbone. Before we knew it was broken (but knew something was obviously wrong) I took him to the emergency room. We were stuck waiting about 6 hours to be seen. The nurse that triaged us was extremely apologetic and literally stated “I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so long, we’re stuck having to see the drunken scraped knees first just because they came in an ambulance.”

    I’m assuming that if my son were bleeding out he would be seen faster, but I’ve assumed that in non-life threatening situations that ambulances receive priority.

  • I’m unsure what the glitch is, but I got something weird. I’m also getting the unable to load message on RiF, so I was getting ready to delete the app. As a sentimental moment to say goodbye, I clicked to log out. Then bam - pages start loading? I can browse Reddit but can’t interact. Is this just some cached glitch?