• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Lmfao, that’s a lot of condescending words to say “no, I will absolutely NOT listen to the people whose space I’m encroaching on and try to learn about their experience and do better for their benefit (or simply walk away), I WILL continue to always centre myself, because that’s all I care about”.

    I’ve been on the receiving end of righteous anger for giving neurotypical advice before

    And yet the thought to, you know, just fucking not never seems to have crossed your mind…

    The “experience I’m facing” that is causing me “anger” is you and your behaviour, no amount of twisting things to justify it to yourself changes that, the least you can do is take some accountability (lmfao, as if… This entire thread is absolutely textbook NT behaviour, including the framing me as “emotional” and yourself as “logical”, and you’ve already made it clear that you don’t give a shit about the impact of your own actions).

    Sorry it came across the way it did. I’ll try to be more careful about it in the future, assuming I remember.

    Fuck your non apology and your insistent on there being a next time for you to be “careful about it” - you don’t need to “be careful”, what you need is to have some respect for spaces that aren’t for you and the people they are for, and resist your desperate need to insert yourself and your unsolicited unhelpful and uninformed opinions absolutely everywhere.

    I thought expressing a bit of solidarity

    TIL solidarity means privileged people talking over the experiences of marginalise people in their own space 🙄

  • I’m autistic and I’m the same but for me it’s less about going a minute without stimulation, more about not wanting to be alone with my thoughts because they’re constant and horrible at best.

    Without my tv and pc always on around me (and weed) I don’t think I could sleep at all (pc to scroll/read till my eyes get sleepy, and tv to give my brain external conversation to focus on rather than the one going on in my brain). Even then it’s a struggle, but I’m still 100% more likely to get some sleep with these things on, than I am without (I don’t consider crying for several hours in either frustration or deep despair until my eyes can’t stay open anymore a good enough alternative ¯\(ツ)/¯).

  • Not everything is about or for you, you don’t always have to chip in, and this is a perfect example of a time where you actually have nothing of much value to contribute to the conversation so should just taken a seat and listen (if you must. Again - some things simply aren’t for you and it’s ok to move on without piping up).

    You are literally being the top person in the meme who doesn’t get it. We face several of you a day every single day of our lives.

    I hope you take this opportunity to learn and do better in the future, instead of trying to justify, and continuing to centre yourself in conversations that aren’t for you.

  • Jfc, you’re a rude condescending ass, and are a much bigger issue in all of this than your ill-conceived bot is.

    Your bot is _not _ a part of the autistic community, no matter how much it may have helped you personally (I’ll repeat - you designed it to help you, it is clearly not what other, actual members of this community are looking for or interested in. Take the L and move on instead of blaming everyone else and pretending we’re simply all too ignorant to understand your genius. That’s not what’s happening here)

  • Fortunately, no one is offering autistic people AI butting in on our behalf. No one is likely to, either, although there will certainly be a lot of new tech to get used to, to have to understand, and probably to have to interact with.
    Neither is anyone offering you AI talking over you, as far as I know, since it’s not really possible.
    Yes, NT’s do that enough already. Nice think about tech. It doesn’t, because it can’t. At least not yet.

    It’s literally what you’re doing here - coming in to autistic spaces with your bot that writes walls of text that barely get to a point and completely ignores the actually autistic people voicing our concerns, as are you.

    you seem to be pretty excited about what you’re saying. I have no interest or need to defend “AI”, and thanks for sharing your perspective and opinion on some topic other than this one, since literally none of that has anything to do with this

    What a condescending and unnecessary addition.

    I don’t think “creepy” comes close to describing something one’s afraid of and doesn’t know anything about

    Creepy is a perfectly accurate way for me to describe your bot, which I am categorically not afraid of, and know everything I need to know about, you not wanting to be confronted with these facts don’t change them. Nor the fact that every interaction I’ve had with both you and your bot so far has made me feel like I’m talking to a 4chan troll putting on their Nice Guy™ act (though I suspect your own replies are coming from the same source as the bots’ are, which would explain it).

    I’m actually seriously alarmed by the way tech has been developing. Far more than you are, clearly.

    And I am extremely alarmed by the way tech has been developing precisely because of shit like this, as well as by the fact that you are clearly and categorically refusing to listen to the members of the community you are trying to condense and mis-represent, which tells me your only concern is your own feelings, not the development of anything, and definitely not the wellbeing of this, and the general, autistic communities.

  • Thanks for confirming everything I thought about this idea - it’s terrible, please stop.

    The last thing autistic people need is AI butting in on “our behalf” and talking over us, NT’s do that enough already (it doesn’t matter who is behind it or programmed it, it is not an authentic autistic voice, and it is taking the space of and talking over those that are. Also the whole description of the bots action reeks of “m’lady” incel vibes, it’s creepy af).

  • From looking around, it looks like a lot of current plant stuff still tends to be mixed with polyurethane or coated with plastic

    Ah, that sucks…

    But I agree, it’s encouraging to see the field grow and the options expand as people invent new materials (especially those made from waste from other industries!), even if they’re not quite there yet…

    (Would plant-leather be “planter?” “Planther?” /thonk.)

    That’s going to bother me for days now lol

  • Not disagreeing with your point about plastic based “vegan” leather, but if it’s something you’re interested in, some plant based leathers do exist, they use different leaves and fibres, fungus, and even cork (I have no personal experience with any and don’t know how good they are, or if they’re honest about not including any plastics, but I thought you or maybe someone else reading might like to know)…

    Either way, your allergy sounds like a massive pain in the ass, you have my sympathy…

  • So you’re annoyed that someone (who took the time to go to a charity shop, list the book online, and ship it to you) charged you the RRP for the book, that you didn’t have to buy from them?

    I hope you have the same kind of energy for when mega-corporations charge anything from tens to thousands of pounds for products that often cost single pounds or even pennies to manufacture (due to underpaying for labour and materials that were in turn manufactured by underpaid labour as well), and the snowballing impact they have on the rest of the economy (by pricing out smaller companies, monopolising industries, avoiding tax, and so on).

    The person you bought this from likely works for themsleves, trolling charity shops all day for bargains, and almost certainly pays tax on their income. I’m as anti-capitalist as they get, but even I can’t take issue with this. If they had charged you more than the RRP, sure, that’d pushing it, but if you didn’t want to pay full price, you should have spent your own time looking for the bargain. ¯\(ツ)

  • Here from /all, don’t own a 3D printer, but if I did, yes I absolutely would lol

    Maybe change it up with some more modern/abstract/famous faces though, the Greek statue look would get old fast… But planters are so expensive for what they are, being able to print my own would really feed my failed plant addiction (I’m no good at actually keeping them alive but I can’t stop buying more) 😂