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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • My biggest hurdle is honestly that GrapheneOS only supports Pixel phones… I had one once and hated it and honestly don’t know how much of that was because of google’s android or the phone itself and am reluctant to buy a new pixel phone to try GrapheneOS and find out I still hate the hardware. I’ve had a much better “out of the box” experience with Samsung phones (and love that my current one has an sd card slot and headphone jack - but I know that’s pretty much non-existent on new phones) but am finding they are so locked down and closed off by Samsung you can’t really put anything else on it and have it work properly as far as I can tell.

    It’s time for a new phone, and I’m honestly not sure what to do… The easy route seems like getting a pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it before doing anything else, but I just don’t super trust that the hardware isn’t going to drive me nuts…

  • “now now, calm down everyone. Let’s see what the Orphan-Crushing Machine really does before we start getting upset. Just because it is fully capable of (and seems exclusively designed to) crush all orphans doesn’t mean it is actually going to crush ALL the orphans. Probably just a few orphans really.”

    There is a reason Microsoft stopped caring a long time ago that it is so easy to install and use Windows without paying for a key. You can STILL use any old windows 7 key you have to active windows 10 and 11. You can use the OS nearly in it’s entirety (as far as home users are concerned) without even doing that. It is because Windows is no longer Microsoft’s biggest product, the user is.

  • Lord, you’ve gone through more phones than covid has new strains. I’m still using the Galaxy s9 I got in 2018. It replaced the Pixel that I hated for being an iphone knock-off (up to including the poor longevity of the device…). I’ve heard the newer Pixels have gotten better, but the first couple generations really hurt and I’m not sure I could give them another chance. I’m scared to replace my current phone, actually, because it’s the first smart phone since the Palm Pre (I loved that thing) that I didn’t find myself hating within the first six months of ownership.

  • I agree with this. Also, vast majority of distros come with an option for live environment from the install media which makes it super easy to test drive a few flavors before picking. I bought like 8 cheap 16GB usb drives and then made a not-so-short list of distributions that people were talking highly of. Boot up each one, tinker around for an hour or so, see what it comes with, how easy it is to get the desktop environment the way I like it, what hardware it sees and uses automatically, etc. I landed on Garuda for now, it’s new and exciting but not so scary unfamiliar. I’ve tried Mint, Manjaro, Kubuntu, Zorin, Drauger, Pop!, and Debian. I wasn’t a fan of Pop! personally, but honestly found a way to like all the rest pretty comfortably.