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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024

  • I think it got really bad the past few years. I think many people don’t even know that, but tinder used to be free. You got 5 free super swipes or something, unlimited swiping and so on. Now you can swipe a few times for free, and it is never ever the people who already liked you. It has a feature where you can limit your range and disable people from around the world. But half the women i see are from china or thailand. Women get flooded with likes and matches while as (an average?) guy, it’s like playing the lottery.

    The problem that i see with that is that men generally don’t pick their “dream girl” they jest pick what they can get. Which is a weird dynamic for any sort of relationship. “Of all the likes, i picked you, because of your smile and we both like cycling.” “You were my only match in 3 month.”

  • I met a girl on tinder and we talked for a while. We lived kinda far away, so we were just texting a bit. She only had very cryptic pictures, and she only sent me weird pictures. So i assumed she is not very pretty, self conscious, or overweight. I had some time off and she asked me if she wanted to come over. So the fastest way to get over there was by car and then hipping on a car train thingy and drive the rest again. But i agreed, seems fun and i didn’t have anything better to do. On the way she was texting me if i would really show up, and i said yes. She asked if i knew that dhe wasn’t thin. And i said i kinda assumed so. She then sent me the first almost normal picture where you could see that she was in fact overweight. When i arrived there, she was very very overweight. We talked for a bit and it was kinda miserable. She’s the kind of person who hardly lets you finish a sentence, because she wants to tell something. At some point it was too late for my train, so i started to make out with her, and i literally thought: at least she’s not talking anymore. We had sex later and it was not great at all, there was just too much of her and she was out of breath before we even made it to the bedroom. I was so glad when it was done, and she then told me that she thinks she snores and i need to wake her up when she does. She snored like i have never heard before, and i didn’t want to wake her up. I had to stay there until 9am and it was miserable. She asked me if i wanted to stay for lunch, and i was just waiting for the clock to jump to 9am so i could bolt, i only slept for like half an hour and had like 3 hours to drive home.