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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I am actually really torn about this one, on one hand I had one episode of back pain that lasted nearly a year, swearing up and down the whole time that chiropractors were basically witch doctors and that I would never go to one. However, when I finally caved and went to one he fixed my issue after two sessions. On the other hand, my more recent back pain was not helped after I saw my chiropractor four times. In addition, I work as a nurse and have now seen at least three patients come in with vertebral dissections, essentially a stroke, that occurred literally right after they had seen a chiropractor for neck pain. Anecdotally, I would say it isn’t worth the risk. Had I done physical therapy and used bought a tens unit the first time I’m sure it would have also fixed it without the chiro, but I was lazy

  • Bristlecone@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldDating sucks
    8 months ago

    Personally, I feel that maybe the apps suck (Try some new ones, I really liked hinge}. But, the fact that you can meet people online these days is a huge boon to human coupling. I am a liberal living in a mostly Republican area, so trying to meet people in real life kind of felt like a landmine situation. Additionally, I have an anxiety disorder and I’m not sure I ever would have got enough experience dating to build up the emotional calluses that allowed me to win over my fiance! It also allows for a far wider pool of dating. You could spend all day every day trying to meet people in person and unless you’re already confident enough, I am not, you’re going to have more interactions online. My disorder is really not that severe, So I have major sympathy for people with worse symptoms than mine. For those people, online dating could be, functionally, their only way.