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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • I feel for you. I know that dealing with the average 10 year old can be difficult.

    I keep think of Temple Grandin. The reason is because I wonder if there are any support groups that have some people with high functioning autism in them who might be able to help you to relate or help your daughter to communicate her feelings to you. I don’t know just a thought.

  • How long has she been taking these meds? Is it possible that she does not feel like herself when she takes the meds? I remember when I was taking Adderall for ADHD the symptoms improved, but I didn’t feel like the same person anymore. I wasn’t me. I eventually stopped taking it for other health reasons but when I did I felt like I was me again.

    Perhaps that is what is going on for her? Maybe this medication works great for improving interactions with her but it alienates her from herself?

  • Start small with important things, like your keys and your phone, and create a contextual place for them. In the home they are always in the same place. The location should be convenient a table or a shelf is great. The important part is that you never set them down anywhere else.

    When you are out, they are on your person but always in the same place. Never set your phone or keys down while you are outside of your home. They are in your hand or in your pocket. There are no other places to put them.

    My phone is always either in my pocket, on the arm of my big chair, or on my desk on or next to the charger. I try to never put it down anywhere else. My phone is almost never lost. My keys are similar. They are either in my hand, in a keyhole, or in my pocket. I never put them anywhere else and I refuse to put them down anywhere but my pocket.

    Get in the habit of refusing to put important things down unless you can put them away properly and they will get harder to lose track of. Once those habits are strong, slowly expand to more things having a specific place in your world and you will find that things go missing less often.

  • So let me see if I have this right:
    A dishonest seller packaged human urine as an energy drink and offered it for sale on Amazon as some kind of weird experiment. The seller then successfully sold the urine to friends through the site but refused sales to others. So the real crime, selling bodily fluids as food, was committed by the seller, but only to friends who knew what they were really getting.

    The bit about the seller being also employed by Amazon sounds like a red herring to make it seem like Amazon had some kind of prior knowledge about this.

    I love complaining about Amazon and all of their failings as much as the next guy, but I’m having a hard time seeing Amazon as the bad guy in this instance.

  • At first it was cost. Android phones and tablets were (and mostly still are) less expensive. Now that I have used both, I very much prefer Android devices.

    For most people I’m sure the difference is negligible or maybe they even find Apple devices easier to use. For me iOS has always been a struggle between what I want to do and what the software requires before it will do it. Although Android devices are not as open as they once were, they are far more customizable than the iPhone.