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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Sadly, you are speaking for a great many places. I’ve cycled in most of the countries I’ve visited and it can be relatively dangerous.

    If people want to see how to integrate a public transport network with a cycle path network, places like Netherlands and Denmark are leading the way.

    Over here in the UK we have one of the most regressive attitudes to sustainable transport in Europe. Our trains don’t work and cycling is barely tolerated.

  • It makes me sad to read these stories. Neurotypical people have an incredibly difficult time understanding that their lived experience is not the same as other people. They try to force a square peg in a round hole and when that fails they accuse the peg of non-compliance and set about knocking the corners off it.

    My daily task is to sit with my daughter and tell her she’s ok and remind her of all the amazing things she is and does. She didn’t choose to be like this, none of us chooses our DNA, parents, environment, preferences. Let’s stop pretending that free will exists and accept each others lived experience. That’s the path to compassion and love.

  • I get the sense that the author hasn’t tried many or any of these substances and is trotting out the standard line. I didn’t see alcohol, cigarettes and Oxycontin mentioned.

    If we’re going to have an adult conversation about addictive substances we should first talk about sugar and junk food. We should also discuss the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, lack of healthcare and community, ignorance of mental health, motor vehicles, pollution, the criminal justice system, Judeo-Christian culture and being a person of colour. Those will form the major risk factors for human health.