A/S/L: Old enough 2 ASL/;3/Pits of despair

Pronouns: :3 / >:3

Mental Health: Dangerously unstable

Spoken languages: Cringe / Acadian French / English

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I’m trans and I don’t think conservatives just hate other humans. I think they’re scared and they don’t want “bad things” to happen to their communities and their children. They know things are fucked up right now, and they are right about that. It’s something we can all agree on.

    The problem is that they’re being offered a bunch of things to point the finger at as a cause of their misery, like LGBTQ+ people/rights, immigrants, diversity, etc. On the other hand, those of us who are left-leaning are being offered the same type of thing, except in our case, it’s them. The media is doing such a good job of othering both sides that we’ve lost sight of their humanity and we don’t even listen to a single thing they have to say. Nobody is there to agree with them when they’re right and nobody is there to actually have a conversation when they’re wrong. Both sides just write off everything the other side has to say. It has to stop. If you think that these people only care about guns, taking away abortion right and getting rid of LGBTQ+ people, you’ve been played.

    Politicians won’t stop using these things as political tools until we stop giving them reasons to. It is working so well for them.

    Reality is that both sides are being manipulated. People on the left and people on the right are the same people and in these times we need to actively make an effort to remember that. Saying that conservatives just need to die out is so ugly and dangerous.

    We need to start talking to each other again. We need to stop the constant consumption of outrage. I know it’s not an easy thing to do but you can do it, it can be done. It is an addiction that is destroying us all and it doesn’t matter if other people still consume, these things start with “You”.

  • Ohhh hahah no, all Cannabis plants are babies to me 😂

    Awww, well those are some adorable babies too! Yeah 12/12 is probably not the best for them but I doubt it’ll be an issue. You can always bury the stem of a leggy seedling, as long as they’re strong enough and you make sure you don’t let them rot.

    Thanks! I didn’t want to get rid of the setup. I don’t smoke much anymore, or at least I try not to but I love growing so much. Feels like Xmas every morning checking up on them, plus I just love the smell.

    I never got the time to get into hydro. I bought everything I needed to make a setup, still got the pump laying around somewhere brand new in box. One day maybe? 💀

    Edit: Nah, I turned off the intake and exhaust, although I have thought about building a new carbon filter and turning it back on if I ever want to print some stinky materials.

  • Betch@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTell me what it means
    4 months ago

    Might as well paste my answer here as well.

    It’s because it used radio frequency. Yes through a cable. The cable was basically just an antenna. The RF box in the back of your console or whatever would send the RF signal at a specific frequency, usually channel 3 but some had switches that you could change to channel 2 or 4.

    It’s basically like tuning in to a radio station.

    Edit: That’s also why you’d get static when running a microwave, vacuum or whatever. The TV would pickup the noise generated by those machine.

    Edit 2: As another user has mentioned, the option to switch the channel existed in case one channel had interference issues.

  • It’s because it used radio frequency. Yes through a cable. The cable was basically just an antenna. The RF box in the back of your console or whatever would send the RF signal at a specific frequency, usually channel 3 but some had switches that you could change to channel 2 or 4.

    It’s basically like tuning in to a radio station.