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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I lie to myself by saying, “I can stay awake for one more episode” before eventually falling asleep on the couch sometime in the next 10 minutes. Then, approximately 3-4 hours later, I’ll wake up, take my evening medications, brush my teeth, prepare for and then go to bed so I can lay there awake for the next hour or two trying to fall back asleep. Eventually, I’ll dose off and get a few more hours of sleep, although never achieving the quality or depth of sleep I obtain while passed out on the couch.

  • I built a shop in a community for the benefit and betterment of the community. Then, a decade plus later, this respected co-founder of the community decides he isn’t rich and important enough, so he starts imposing his will over this community, making whatever changes he sees fit regardless of the backlash and how the community reacts to it. When finally driven out, why would I leave anything standing behind that he could profit or benefit from. So damn straight, I burned down my shop, even ripped out the foundation by destroying decades’ worth of content before moving to the next town over where I heard whispers about a community run community.