• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I had one from Sony a long time ago. It even had a cable you could attach between two of 'em (600 CDs!) so that it could seamlessly start playing another track while loading the next song. I dropped it during a move and the next time I opened the door, it spit gears at me. I had intended to fix it some day, but started watching Hoarders and decided it wasn’t worth it.

  • I switched to Brother after my HP updated itself when I forgot why I had a particular firewall rule, deleted it and let the printer onto the internet to roam. It pulled down a patch which added an amazing security feature to block the use of the toner that I bought. I bricked it while trying to downgrade the firmware (after placing an order for their “certified” toner). I tried returning the toner, but couldn’t and eventually took it tongue recycling center, swearing to never buy HP again.

  • It depends on what you do with Docker. Podman can replace many of the core docker features, but does not ship with a Docker Desktop app (there may be one available). Also, last I checked, there were differences in the docker build command.

    That being said, I’m using podman at home and work, doing development things and building images must fine. My final images are built in a pipeline with actual Docker, though.

    I jumped ship from Docker (like the metaphor?) when they started clamping down on unregistered users and changed the corporate license. It’s my personal middle finger to them.

  • I’m using Kubernetes and many of the apps that I use require environment variables to pass secrets. Another option is the pod definition, which is viewable by anybody with read privileges to K8s. Secrets are great to secure it on the K8s side, but the application either needs to read the secret from a file or you build your own helm chart with a shell front end to create app config files on the fly. I’m sure there are other options, but there’s no “one size fits all” type solution.

    The real issue here is that the app is happy to expose it’s environment variables with no consideration given to the fact that it may contain data that can be misused by bad actors. It’s security 101 to not expose any more than the user needs to see which is why stack dumps are disabled on production implementations.

  • I agree that this is a boogeyman law.

    I don’t understand the threat to revenue streams. From gun manufacturers? Would anybody who is allowed to purchase a gun bother with a 3D printed one other than for the novelty of it?

    My biggest gripe is that I feel that politicians usually don’t get involved in creating laws until way late. Think laws around the regulation of AI or cloning or genetically modifying humans. Is there a credible threat related to printed weaponry? I seriously doubt it.

    I saw something similar a few weeks ago on the national news to allow local police to shoot drones around regulated airspaces. In this case it’s a football game. The stadium security said that a drone flew in and distributed pamphlets but could have easily carried in a bomb. Again, this is a theoretical threat, but they’re more likely concerned about illegal filming of a sporting event.

  • I don’t even own a gun, so maybe somebody with more experience can correct me, but I do believe that many states, if not all, require a background check and waiting period. I assume there are certain crimes that remove your right to own a firearm. There are (or were) loopholes for purchasing guns at gun shows where a background check and waiting period are infeasible.

    As for other weapons, there aren’t such provisions, but it may depend on the weapon. A bow and arrow, hunting knife or machete can be purchased at any wall-Mart. A grenade? I’m not sure.

  • Anonymouse@lemmy.worldOPtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldIPv6 for home lab
    10 months ago

    I was not binding to specific adresses, but was probably a problem with a specific release of Java (Oracle Java maybe.) My distro’s Java was doing weird video things, but the Oracle version was not, but then it could not reach outside the local computer. Debugging logs showed that it tried IPv6 and failed, then quit trying instead of falling back to IPv4. Disabling IPv6 in the Java JRE configuration solved the issue, but set me on the path to “modernize” my network stack. In hindsight, it’s probably not something that I really have the time to take on right now.

  • Anonymouse@lemmy.worldOPtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldIPv6 for home lab
    10 months ago

    I’m trying to be progressive, but after thinking outside of my little network and reading the posts here, it seems like there’s still a long way to go before I should consider it. I don’t have a split network at home and it would potentially affect everyone in the house. Additionally, I don’t have serious needs for production-grade network equipment, so the chancs of that cheap usb-to-ethernet adapter with more Chinese characters than English in the instruction sheet has a high probability of biting me.

    This was sort of a wild hare thought of disabling IPv4 vs disabling IPv6 to solve a problem that’s more of an inconvenience. I am probably not ready for this undertaking. Maybe I’ll revisit it when I get around to partitioning my network.

  • Kubernetes is abbreviated K8s (because there’s 8 letters between the “k” and the “s”. K3s is a “lite” version. Generally speaking, kubernetes manages your containers. You basicaly tell K8s what the state should be and it does what it needs to do to get the environment as you’ve declared. It’ll check and start or restart services, start containers on a node that can run them (like ensuring enough RAM is available). There’s a lot more, but that’s the general idea.

  • One line from your comment struck a chord. The part about maintenance and upgrades. I feel like I get stuff set up and working and go about my life and then a failure happens at the most inopportune moment. Mostly, the failures are when I have a few hours free and decide to upgrade the OS and everything breaks and all the dependencies fall apart and some feature is no longer supported. That’s where I started looking to K8s to just roll back until I have time to manage it.