• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This genie is probably impossible to get back in the bottle.

    People are going to just direct the imitative so called AI program to make the face just different enough to have plausible deniability that it’s a fake of this person or that person. Or use existing tech to age them to 18+ (or 30+ or whatever). Or darken or lighten their skin or change their eye or hair color. Or add tattoos or piercings or scars…

    I’m not saying we should be happy about it, but it is here and I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Like, if you tell your so called AI to give you a completely fictional nude image or animation of someone that looks similar to Taylor Swift but isn’t Taylor Swift, what’s the privacy (or other) violation, exactly?

    Does Taylor Swift own every likeness that looks somewhat like hers?

  • I went through my comment history and changed all my comments with 100+ karma to a bunch of nonsense I found on the Internet, mostly from bots posting YouTube comments. It’s mostly English words so it shouldn’t get discarded for being gibberish. But they didn’t make coherent information. I was sad to see some of my posts go away but I don’t want to feed the imitative AI.

    Also did the first 6 pages of my “controversial” comments.

    I know they have backups, but that’s why I didn’t simply delete them. Hopefully these edited versions get into the training set and fuck it up, even if only a little.

    It’s be funny if someone could come up with a “drop table” post that would maybe make it into the set…

  • ristoril_zip@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldHealth "care"
    6 months ago

    If I thought the people who run for profit hospitals and insurance companies had human souls, I’d say they should be made to do this work so they could maybe see that it shouldn’t be about profit.

    But then I remembered they’re all non-human garbage who should be first up against the wall in the revolution.

    Doctors should be left out of this. It’s not their fault America (and probably some third world countries) allow profit driven medicine.

  • I will legit try to find countries with constitutions and parliaments that I could relocate to to live and work. The American constitutional Republic will be over if Trump becomes President again.

    He’ll certainly start his retribution with the big fish of anti Trump people and organizations, but it won’t take long for it to “trickle down” to everyday people as well.

    I’m lucky enough that it’s feasible for me to find work in my field outside the US. Others aren’t so lucky.